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Part count bias on the site

425k realSavageMan  6.4 years ago

It's ok to argue with me if you don't agree, but below is my real thoughts/ complaints that I had for quite a long time.

I checked highest rated creations of the month, and I found that almost 1/3 of the creations on the 1st page have a 1000+ part count (some even 2000+), that most users would found it laggy to actually download and enjoy them. So, builds with higher part count or simply look better tend to receive more upvotes even most people are not downloading, isn't it a bit weird?

Another common problem within ultra-part-count builds is that aerodynamics would usually have some problems since it makes your device laggy and also aerodynamics itself can be challenging. I have to say, it could be a major flaw if it's on a low part count build, which can keep people from upvoting it. So, thanks to the crazy part count, it makes your crappy-aerodynamic plane great again.

That's something I found interesting. Furthurmore, I do agree with @BogdanX 's previous similar ideas, that better-looking creations attract more people than better-functioning creations. This is a game site, not just a visual art/knowledge site. At least users are to enjoy the game.

Please, my friends, it's okay to show off your "luxurious" computers, but at least, give us a mobile version, try to build something nice with low part count in the future, and also put some effort on the plane/tank/vehicle/rocket 's in-game performance. Like me, some of my airliner builds do have 1000+ part count, but which time have I forgotten to provide MOBILE VERSION links?

Comments are welcomed, no matter you agree or not.

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    2,792 OrderlyHippo

    Behold, the greatest low part count builds on the site are made by @lemoose
    I love his realistic flight characteristics, and low part count. It’s the flight that matters and he nails the appearance too. Especially check out his F-35B. It’s hard to fly, but is just like real life! Even his Su-27 handles better than any other I’ve ever seen while looking super generic and simple. A true master.

    3.2 years ago
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    I made a 1100+ parts Antonov 124 on my Android a while ago but didn't post it because it was so laggy that I couldn't test its performance

    4.0 years ago
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    38.8k ZetaAvalon

    Well there goes my low part count aircrafts even my future aircraft post are lost

    6.2 years ago
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    2,311 Seanbon007

    I just got a new IPad and it ran a 3000 part craft smooth as butter, I’m so happy now that I get to try out some of the builds I wanted to on my old iPad but never could

    6.4 years ago
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    1,297 Tankace1

    Im on mobile and i posted a 1500+ part build

    6.4 years ago
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    the highest part count of a plane I made myself is 294

    6.4 years ago
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    35.1k AdlerSteiner

    is this russia?

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    5,677 Johawks1976

    He keeps disappearing like how Loki never dies or how people thought someone was dead

    6.4 years ago
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    5,677 Johawks1976

    @randomusername what ever happened to that piggy

    6.4 years ago
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    7,271 Roswell

    One reason why i make simple dynamic builds for mobile device is so that everyone can enjoy them

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    my planes are mostly mobile friendly

    6.4 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    Yeah... my T-14 is a bit... much. I should probably make a mobile version...

    +3 6.4 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    Gotta love these champions of lower part count/better performance builds not really going out of their way to put principle to action. Where are you going out of your way to upvote these builds rather than the higher part count bricks? But that sounds dumb, doesn’t it? Expecting someone to upvote something just because it falls under a certain category whether they actually like the build or not. Just let people like what they like and not like what they don’t. End of story

    6.4 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    @Squirrel When my stuff exceeds 600 parts, (like my latest train). I make a mobile friendly version of it, not just for everyone, but for myself because my iPad lags like crazy when I drive it.

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    I’m afraid I’m very guilty of this.

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    It's not weird for you first point.
    Detailed builds with lots of parts attract attention. They look good which in of itself a skill. That player isn't obligated to create builds for members of the community. They build to their needs and to what their device can handle.
    Other users will upvote for the skill of that build in terms of looks. Sure, it's difficult to get something to fly nice, but it's harder to get it to look good. People appreciate the thought that's gone into the detail.
    I think it's unfair that you expect users to create builds that are functional to your standards. If a player deems it suitable to fly for themselves, then that should be reason enough for them to upload it. It's a bit unfair to expect perfect results from them if that's not something they want to achieve. that's not to say I'm against constructive criticism, by all means tell them how to improve, but to fully expect them to cater to your needs is a bit unfair. It's their choice and their loss to not take on that criticism.
    Again, i think it's unfair to expect them to release a mobile version. By all means request it on individual builds. But ultimately, it's their choice and they shouldn't have to feel pressured into doing something they don't really want to do.
    Yes, I love a good functional build that's mobile friendly. Nobody here is saying they don't want that overall for the site. But it's unfair to place expectations like the ones mentioned in the post on users. It's their choice to make and they shouldn't be criticized for something they don't want to do just because of an expectation.

    +12 6.4 years ago
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    very very true. I think people should focus on making their planes less detailed but equally nice to look at.

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    47.9k Phantomium

    I think it's a mixed bag when it comes to part count. I would like to remain neutral on this matter.
    To be perfectly honest, however, up until 800-900 parts, it's okay. From there on, lag starts to creep in and it becomes unpleasant to run the game. At least this is my experience.

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    15.3k Texasfam04

    well thought out and well said....

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    If something has less than 300 parts and seems promising, I download and try it out then upvote or ignore depending on performance. If something has over 300 parts but looks incredible, I upvote (unless comments say it flies trash). By the way, I have a PC with some very new, high end parts and some VERY old low end parts so I have weird performance effects. 1 year old graphics card and a 9 year old central processor so the latest phones are better than my PC in certain ways

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    I agree very wholeheartedly.

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    5,786 Mainblocks

    I upvote a project if :
    - it look great
    - have good fonctions
    - if its a new user who put heart into his build.

    Part count is not a problem for me because the game is more a tool for me to express my creativity rather than use it.

    And sometimes (at least for me) i find hard to get rid of liveries and details just to lower the part count for phones users to enjoy it.

    6.4 years ago
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    813 Dragon77

    I am not for or against the argument but, I have an example to give:
    I built a rather crude bomber to keep part count below 500, it got 15 upvotes (which is great for me!).
    I then rebuilt the same bomber, disregarding part count to make it more refined and more detailed, with more function and more weapons. It ended up with a part count over 1000 and people did not like it (I think it got 2 upvotes). Maybe I made silly mistakes on the bomber (nothing mentioned) but, it does appear that higher part counts is a negative unless it is a really special build.

    6.4 years ago
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    Also i tend to link to videos for my stuff to show that it works, will probably not work with the full tank but for that i will probably remove some of the stuff that is on the inside

    6.4 years ago
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    i won't cancel my stronk tenk for that. it will be very high part Count but will probably also have a less detailed version linked in the description somewhere

    6.4 years ago
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