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A Game Security Weakness

17.8k Spacedoge12345plane  6.5 years ago

I’ve heard getting banned is done by internet ip. But if you use a virtual machine then get a ip scrambler on it. Then if you get banned then all you have to do is re scramble the ip. If that dosnt work then get a new virtual machine and ip scrambler. Basically, in theroy SimplePlanes attempts to perma ban people are futile if you are smart

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    Wow, I like the story@RyneKuczy

    6.5 years ago
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    This happened about a year ago. A player was using an IP switcher to create multiple accounts and then post hate messages. If I remember correctly, the devs traced one of the IP's (I'm no tech wizard so I may be wrong) and sent the police to investigate. It stopped shortly after. Fun Fact: This is why you need an email to post comments now.

    +2 6.5 years ago
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    I inenvertently feel guilty that I inspired some crazy people @BACconcordepilot

    6.5 years ago
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    Dev WNP78
    1. does not take a smart person to use a vpn
    2. why the hell would you need a vm
    3. "ip scrambler" I guess you mean a vpn
    4. yes, bans are circumventable. To make it impossible to circumvent a ban, they'd have to make it like you have to provide proof of ID for creating an account. Even then, identity theft and just using a sibling/friend's account means that it is almost impossible to enforce.
      so unless we're gonna become some totalitarian state where jundroo can keep biometric information on all it's users and verifies for each action, you can't enforce a ban fully.
    +5 6.5 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    CIA: Leak anymore information and you will be taken down.

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    @Spacedoge12345plane the objective was to tell people that ip bans dont work because you can use a vpn?

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    Aw hewll naw @Botfinder

    6.5 years ago
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    That wasn’t my objective. @Minecraftpoweer

    6.5 years ago
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    why would you use a VM? There is no need for a vm and vpn because you just need a vpn, my recommendation is not trying to get banned in the first Place.

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    x-files dubstep remix intensifies

    +4 6.5 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    I think you can get around it with a VPN... but ok

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    knock knock
    who's there
    the fbi

    +6 6.5 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    This applies for every site using IP bans, but it's true.

    +5 6.5 years ago
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    The FBI wants to know your address

    +3 6.5 years ago
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    Open up it’s the FBI

    +4 6.5 years ago