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iPad broke, understandable have a good day

4,407 DepressedTortoise  6.2 years ago

Woop de doo. My iPad six broken. With it being the man device I o ximepleplan om it kindaa sucks it oesnt type for crap. For some reaon thers cold spotss on the keyboar whre some keeysd won work. I typed thi weirhoutf going back and chsnif anything. I’ll try to het my pc wrking agan so I can get back to doing sp,pleplanes.

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    lol looking at this this is serious R/Ihadastroke content right here lmao

    5.8 years ago
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    31.2k pavthepilot

    Oh boi, i remember how much times i dropped my old tablet
    Everithing that could break broke at some point, the only one that didn't break was the screen
    I dropped it from 2 meters god dammit
    Also, each time i broke it i repaired it very cheap
    Still works today
    That's what i call durability
    One of the reasons i hate apple is durability
    Or the lack of it, and that lack of durability comes at a big damn price
    Same thing about iphones, if my phone would break each time i dropped it i would have to replace it a lot of times
    I am as carefull as posible when it comes to my phone but this thing happens, we are humans, now why would you pay lots of money on a device that is not customizable, does not allow unknown sources downloading and breaks if dropped once?in other words, is it worth paying money for a iphone/iPaD instead buying something that is worth the price?

    [Some 2k18 pOpUlAr aMeRiKaN Kid]: YES IT IS!!


    [Same 2k18 scu...i mean person] :bcuz its got an apple on it

    [Me] :🤔🔫

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    my ipa has cold sptsd where it doent type wright. @Jetspeed1001

    6.2 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    Woop de doo
    Boi, my iPad looks like a smashed car windscreen...

    6.2 years ago
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    Literally the best language ever.

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    Woop de doo. Woop de doo.
    Boi. If I dropped my iPad...

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    6,845 Jetspeed1001


    6.2 years ago