Is there actually edges of the map?
What is the length of Yeager Airport runway?
What is the length of Gold Prix?
Could USS Beast and destroyers eventually reach Krakabloa Isles, given a long enough time? If so, would they stop on the coastline or not?
How deep is the ocean?
Answer if you can. (Not off-topic)
424k realSavageMan
6.3 years ago
5 Inf, but AltitudeAgl said like 720 meters when i placed cockpit just under sea level.
Ooh, conspiracy theories! I'm in!
1 no
2 idk
3 idk
4 probably but i haven't flown for long enough to find out
5 infinite depth
Thrust me, i just almost failed on maths in the high school...
@QingyuZhou you can easily count the lenght of the gold Prix Raceway.
Get a car, make a lap time. Check your average speed. Your time*your speed (meter/second) = the lenght of the road
Send me the plane that did that@randomusername
2 just shy of two kilometers
I’ve had that also but the land floated sideways@ThePrototype
The map kinda has a top height 200,000,000 highest the didgets go. (Not exact)@randomusername
The map kinda has a top height 200,000,000 highest the didgets go. (Not exact)
The map has no edge. I was able to circumnavigate SP via the Chtulhu
From the very end, yeager airport runways are 2.71km long. From the start location, it's 2.577km
The water is a disc, that follows you around. As you near islands, they load, and when you fly away they unload. The ocean, not around the islands, has no bottom. The USS beast would pass to the West of Krakabloa, theoretically passing within 2.75 miles of the hangars at bandit. Unless you knock it...
I also believe the ocean is infinitely deep
I can also prove SP is flat XD, my game had glitches and stopped loading terrain then the water just ended @LiamW
I thought so too but I couldn’t replicate it. I honestly don’t know at this point @ThePrototype
I have noticed that if you go far enough, you will start seeing the islands you passed..... and it will keep doing it @LiamW
Oh that's interesting, have you actually tried it? @temporaryaccount
Gold Prix is about 5km, to be precise
Also what do you mean in No.4...@temporaryaccount
Lol @LiamW