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Categorize your aircraft. Part I. Classification

4,109 JetFly  6.4 years ago

When submitting another Cessna 172 1:1 for another 1 replica, assign it to a category so players that look for planes of specific type via standart site search engine.

Category 1: Basic Aircraft

UL - Ultralight (less than 860 lbs)
G - Glider
GA - General Aviation (860-12500 lbs)
PA - Passenger Airplane (6+ capacity)
CA - Cargo Airplane (1-6 people capacity (2 pilots, 4 additional etc.))
FP - Prop Fighter

Category 2: Extended Basic Aircraft

DR - Drone (0 people)
GAJ - Jet GA
PJ - Jet PA
JC - Jet CA
JF - Jet Fighter
VTL - VTOL, obviously

Category 3: By part count

LP - Low Part(1-250)
AP - Average Part(250-500)
HP - High Part(500+)
LOL (-infinity to 0 parts)

Category 4: By production time

OT - Old (manufactured earlier than 1950's)
DC - Decommissioned or still in service produced from 70's
NT - New (2000's)
CT - Concept Craft (never built)
FA - Impossible to work with current tech

Category 5: Basic Vehicle

WC - Wagon
TE - Train Engine
WT - Train Wagon
DE - Diesel Engined/Diesel Train
EC - Electric Car
ET - Electric Train
PW - Passenger Wagon
FW - Flat Wagon
GW - Grain Wagon, Open Top
MW - Mail, Supplies, Boxes, Products, Food wagons (closed top)
WB - Wagon Base
CB - Car Chassis
CS - Car Suspension
EB - Engine Build

Category 6: Car Extensions

SC - Sedan
UC - Universal
PC - Pickup
SA - Saloon
TC - Truck
VC - Van
BV - Bus
T - Trailer
TK - Tank
SP - Sportcar
RC - Rocket Powered Car

Category 7: Extras

EM - Mechanisms
PP - Piston Powered
RP - Rotator Powered
WM - Wing Mechanisation Part
R - Rocket
AI - AI controlled versions of everything
DE - Decoration things like mugs, tables, buildings etc.

Why would you need this?

Imagine you are just a player who wants to try a new type of airplane for himself.
Like you played on PJ all time, wanted something new
You open search, and instead of writing "Light Aircraft", which has a lot of downsides(later) just write GA(general aviation).
The downside of "Light Aircraft" like search is not every light airplane has this phrase in the name of it.
With this system you can compress ultra long names to somenthing like

Ultrasuperduper Passenger Jet USED-3310 Replica (1970), [LOT OF PARTS!]
to something like
Ultrasuperduper USED-3310 Replica [NT HP PJ]
The advantage is obvious.

Happy flying. Sincerely, Ilya.

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    4,109 JetFly

    @F104Deathtrap FAA, login please.

    6.4 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    My first thought was, then you have people just surfing the titles of the planes instead of actually clicking on the planes seeing if they actually like it, and eventually up vote it.
    But with your system they would just surf through the titles looking for what they want instead of exploring and finding the unusual that cannot be categorized, I say this as an uncategorizable Builder.

    6.4 years ago
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    Or you could use the prefixes from real life.

    6.4 years ago
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    583 QuickNils

    huh but its indeed quite complicated lol

    6.4 years ago
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    583 QuickNils

    thats actually a very good idea! :D

    6.4 years ago
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    4,109 JetFly

    okay, then Andrew will add all this as tags.

    6.4 years ago
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    16.4k ThePrototype

    All my planes now would fall underneath Cat. 7, I'm a mechanical guy

    6.4 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    This is way too complicated, no new player would be able to understand this. It's just going to be a bunch of tags we most likely wouldn't use.

    +2 6.4 years ago
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    4,109 JetFly

    @RailfanEthan we don't have that complicated tags

    6.4 years ago
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    isn't this the reason why we have tags

    +1 6.4 years ago