Mock Invasion of Norway
Location: Finnish Coast
Norwegians: Potaryed by the Finns
We don’t know what they have in store for us 😉
Americans: Fighter Escort
Strategic Bombers
Marine Landing
British: Code Breaking
Night Air Raid
Night Paradrop
French: Air Cover
Ski Troops
Germans: Shore Bombardment
Cutting off Enemy Shipping
Night Fighters
Netherlands: Marines
Shore Bombardment
Naval Cover
Austria: Inserting Rebels
Assiting Germans
Politically keeping the Norwegians at bay
Tactics: We don’t know we will learn from this
Result: Released on January 2nd 1940
@Bearclaw189 Well, I'm afraid not, there goes that, yeh?
Are they real planes?@JunkyardLeader
@Bearclaw189 I have a few fighter planes you can buy for this op, provided they fit your standards.
Well, if this operation is going to commence, then it'd be advised that an allied country sends a temporary expeditionary force to act as a mock enemy, mainly to supplement my small number of divisions.
@Bearclaw189 I have the commandos YEEET
Plus the brits pioneered special forces, paratrooper, and night operations@BlackhattAircraft
@Bearclaw189 true true
Whoop whoop@PositivePlanes
That is true@MrVaultech
What I'm trying to say is Finland's limited coastline differs too greatly from the massive Norwegian coast.
Really, the only similarity are the cold and coastlines being frozen over during January.
If this does go through, then whatever experience gained won't transfer over to invading terrain frequent of the Norwegian coasts.
You do have a good navy so........@BlackhattAircraft
But they are not allies.....@MrVaultech
No, Finland is very dissimilar to Norway, or even Scotland...
The closets would be Italy, or even the Soviets if you're desperate...
@Bearclaw189 well, my job isn’t easy is it
Of course you would say that@Chancey21
Down with RP
We are just simulating, Finland is the closest we can get to the real thing. Unless you want Scotland............@MrVaultech
Nowhere near as much as the Norwegians though. They have narrower terrain and many more islands and mountains along the coast than my country.
You are representing them in the exercise, you have knowledge of your home terrain like them and have similar vehicles @MrVaultech
So I'm being the Norwegians, or...?
You have the Bismarck and the Sharnhost Class your cruisers are good especially the heavy ones example: Admrial Hipper, Lutzow etc...@Strikefighter04
The Germans have shore bombardment? Uhhh... we only have cruisers and destroyers. Plus like tons of U-Boats.
@HellRaiser @MrVaultech @CptJacobson