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5,987 MrKoT  6.1 years ago

Recently, I noticed that downloading my planes to the Apvotes treats in many ways, say, my two last planes, which I built because I came to inspiration, and the second I built for a call, one plane has 139 downloads and 17 Apvotes, and the second 249 and only 10 Apvotes, only ten, what's the big difference between boot and Apvotes, and I got the impression that everyone is so greedy or envious and lazy.
Sorry if I offended any such facts.

And one more thing I was thinking about creating a type of company because it's hard to give names to planes, but I find it hard to pick up the name because T.Corp I was looking for exists and K.Corp also already exists, I wanted to name it somehow but they are already busy and so I thought about the type

KAC (KoT Aircraft Corporation)

 but in my head I thought to myself a blin, it sounds bad and I need your opinion, Do not know if you agree with me or have suggestions, then please inquire, because my last plane, which I am doing, a little shocked my nerves (aaaaaaa it is impossible to fly) but somehow I'll give my pleasure.
The creeping sign on my planes will be the letter T.

I used google translator and therefore you can not understand something correctly.

My plane

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    Why doesn’t my Scout Eagle have 13,000 upvotes?

    6.1 years ago
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    10.2k SuperSix

    Ok @MrKoT

    6.1 years ago
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    5,987 MrKoT

    @SuperSix possibly, I am less able to speak English, but when it comes to some very long speeches I have problems.

    6.1 years ago
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    10.2k SuperSix

    Do you speak english

    6.1 years ago
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    10.2k SuperSix

    It always happens people that don’t have account can’t upvote

    6.1 years ago