I am in process of getting the arrestor hook and catapult connector to work on beta, but there is a slight chance that they are not yet full added o to the game. I only found xml entries to them
Edit: The parts definitely aren't yet implemented, I mad a single part subassembly and replaced the part with one of those, and I can't drag it into the designer. We will have to wait.
@DepressedTortoise nah i mean the part
@Oski i saw it theres a location there
@DepressedTortoise oh and you missed the catapult
@DepressedTortoise yup that is it, but it got that <!-- thing at the end and startaht means it is not yet added
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck @Awsomur @Oski @pavthepilot #YO I FOUND IT
<!--<DesignerPart name="Arresting Hook" category="Landing Gear" studioScale="0.75" description="Catches on arresting cables. Maybe if you use this you can finally manage to land on that carrier, despite your pilot skills?">
<Part id="1" partType="ArrestingHook-1" position="0.0, 0.0, 0.0" rotation="0.0, 270.0, 0.0">
<ArrestingHook.State activationGroup="None" />
Just to try out the beta.
@BACconcordepilot not really a spoiler, it was obvious because there are new things on a swimmy airport XD
You are gonna love it.
@Awsomur so, you are back?
The Beast is still pretty short, but the arresting hook will no doubt help.
and good to know that we will get proper carrier phisics
Ohhh they added those?
You can check it yourself. What device do you use?
Wait wait wait. Woah woah. Hold up. Stop the car. Just a sec. ARRESTOR HOOK in the new update. O.O is this true