Attention to everyone who wants to participate in my Custom Tiger Challenge but haven't uploaded a build yet:
You have exactly one week left before the end of the challenge, be sure not to run out of time, builds that are uploaded after February 16 (Saturday) 2019. 12:00 Central European Time (UTC +1) will NOT be counted
To those who already sent builds: If you have any new ideas, don't hesitate, one player can participate with up to 3 builds (tho only the best one will be counted)
Good Luck and have a nice day everyone! :D
@asteroidbook345 no problem
@TakicraftCorporation remélem sikerül, ha nem, semmi gond, értékelem hogy megpróbáltad 🙂
@BMilan hú én elkezdtem valamit de elcseszte a toronymechanikát és felidegesítettem magam a dolgon... Megpróbálom még egyszer, de nem ígérek semmit, mert jövő héttől egyetem van.. Bocsi :\
Just tagging you guys cuz you were the ones who commented that you'd participate but haven't sent a build yet 🙂
I hope you still want to participate 😀