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i'm not gonna build anymore i guess

158 Implosionstrikez  6.0 years ago

so you may have seen why im not building, well its because 1: im bad at building anyway, so i decided if i do build, its gonna be an edit, so oof, and 2: see above. however, i do have simpleplanes multiplayer, and would like to join someone to renact the carrier landing and bombing. so yeah, comment the server IP

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    Dude don't stop building! Everyone has to start somewhere! Everyones first planes arent as good as other people, in fact, I'm still not very good at building, but quitting isnt going to help anyone, and improving other peoples builds won't get you anywhere. Just build and look at other peoples plane and see and learn techniques that people use. Its not impossible, in fact, its pretty easy after a while. Look, all I'm saying is don't give up, keep going.

    +2 6.0 years ago
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    Dude I primarily post what I call static models. (Models with none or limited function). I started doing this only 7 months ago. And my builds where ugly. Now 7 months later I’m making perfection level builds. The point. It may take a while but SimplePlanes needs every user it has to stay afloat. And it needs not good builds but developing builders.

    6.0 years ago
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    @@Strikefighter04 yes, i know this, and i did get a pc

    6.0 years ago
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    The only way to get better at building is by building. And also, you need a PC to play multiplayer.

    +3 6.0 years ago