That’s literally the best and really only thing you can do to become good at SP. Help and advice can help, but they are nothing compared to practice. Some people take longer than others, but eventually, you’ll become good.
I’m 95% self taught with this game. Only 5% of what I have learnt with this game is from help and advice.
So if your complaining that you’ve been on the site for 2 years and you’re still bronze, GET PLAYING MORE!!!
@jamesPLANESii actually i need to rephrase that it depends if you watch Frantic or not ;p
Yah. That’s often pretty good too. Sometimes I still do that now lol. @exosuit
Downloading someone's creations and taking them apart to see how it works also worked for me
Tbh Commando Gaming makes me cringe a lot too lol. @BlueCitrus
@jamesPLANESii Well it depends if you watch camodo gaming or not
Make a meme
@Rub3n213 that was a Hitler turned simpleplanes meme wasn't it
I am not that great at simpleplanes.
SO I will use a coders solution and learn to code and make an app that will build planes for me.
JK I can't remember spanish so how will I remember how to code lol
For me, watching SP on YT makes me loose brain cells at an alarming rate XD @BlueCitrus
Im 100% youtube taught
Practice @Cardboard
Any tips from a legend?
It’s 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will. 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to open the game
Me too
I hope this helps people stop building "Modification" Builds or Adding a few parts and calling it different
Im 99% self-taught, 1% inspiration from other builds.
Not to have an ego (lol I have a huge ego), I invented the original concept for the gear-tilt suspension. Other players actually made it good lol.
...and using the dark web to buy upvotes...
I sometimes look at my first static model builds and I think to myself. OMG THATS DISGUSTSING. but they somehow got me the upvotes and support the keep me going. I know 8 months later make perfection level builds. Here is the first static model compared to my latest my first. my latest
Developers HATE him!!!
Learn how one man has TOTALLY CHANGED the building world!
these claims have not been proven by the SPMC
You’re doomed if you disagree with him XD @RamboJutter
Here here, also don't forget, listen to bogdanx if he offers friendly advice otherwise you are doomed :) @jamesplanesii
Was expecting clickbait but ok
XD @Rub3n213