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Best. Update. EVER! (Bunch of Pics)

25.2k JohnnyBoythePilot  6.0 years ago

We finally have helicopter parts, hollow fuselages, some minor bug fixes, and even a remaster of the USS Beast with catapults and trap wires! Oh yea, everything looks so much more crisp and realistic-looking!


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    6,965 Falconhawk

    the new carrier makes all my old 35 foot long fighters look like ants.-

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    8,752 Gravity

    @JohnnyBoythePilot thanks!

    6.0 years ago
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    You simply move your aircraft onto it and stop. After about 3 seconds it starts moving. And no it doesn't move without you so it won't strand you on the lower deck.

    6.0 years ago
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    8,752 Gravity

    How did u move the lift on the side of the beast?

    6.0 years ago
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    2,910 Liquidfox01

    @JohnnyBoythePilot if its not a problem sure

    6.0 years ago
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    (continuing last comment since it got cut-off) The 2 QFX-36 Broadswords are going to partake in improving the Talisman AI system and code for the production F-36A's. This is primarily the job for the first QFX-36, which incorporates the same Talisman AI as the one found on the YF-36 prototypes and F-36A production models. The second QFX-36's job is primarily to push the Broadsword air-frame to it's absolute limit. This version incorporates the advanced version of Talisman found in the F-36XC variants, however since Talisman flying the QFX-36 will have more "eyes" and sensors available, he's expected to have a much higher level of situational awareness.

    So yea that's what's going on with the "mythical" canard-F-36's you see me tease every now and then. I do plan on releasing the F-36XC and QFX-36A publicly, but first I want to upload the F-36A first. If you want a canard F-36 that badly, I can tag you on the unlisted F-36XC I have, or even the Razor Edge model if that's the one you want. I don't have the QFX-36 uploaded as unlisted yet and I'm currently on 1.8 beta, so that one is unavailable to share.

    6.0 years ago
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    Unfortunately no, at least for now. All canard-equipped F-36's are "one off" examples, mostly to serve for a testing/experimental purpose. As of March 1st Rainier Aerospace has completed construction of all 3 base-line YF-36 prototypes (and the 2x abandoned BAE Broadswords), totaling 5x Broadswords completed so far. The small family of canard-F-36's are all going to be derived from the prototype YF-36 air-frame.

    So far only 5x canard-equipped F-36's are going to be built, all for testing purposes. The first one is dubbed the "F-36XC Edge" which is a agility/STOL technology demonstrator (along the lines of the F-15SMT/D), and is currently being built, nearing completion. The second canard-Broadsword is the "F-36XC Razor Edge TVC" and as TVC implies, this version features thrust vectoring.

    The Razor Edge variant also features a ramjet "booster" afterburner mod and a unique "U-shaped" exhaust nozzle that rotates in all directions. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, look at the afterburner nozzle on the FFR-41MR Mave from Yukikaze for reference.

    Both the Edge and Razor Edge also incorporate a more advanced version of the Talisman AI in the standard F-36's. The F-36XC variants are so darn agile, without g-limiters, the pilot could go into g-loc or sustain serious injuries from pulling such intense maneuvers (which the F-36XC, even the non-TVC version, are expected to be able to pull of 15-20 +g's at least). So because of this, the F-36XC is to be unmanned most of the time, being flown by Talisman instead of a human pilot (although a human pilot will probably fly the STOL tests).

    The 3rd and final F-36XC variant is a navalized variant that will be used for carrier trials and evaluation by the US Navy. The Navy has no intentions on fielding a production navalized F-36, but seeing the F-36 possessing such advanced AI systems including optionally manned abilities, the Navy requested a one-off experimental variant. This is mainly for the Navy to get a "grip" of what's to come with optionally-manned carrier fighters such as Boeing's upcoming F/A-XX.

    The last two canard Broadswords to be produced are going to be part of the official prototype line of the F-36, and only 2x of these types, 100% unmanned F-36's dubbed "QFX-36A Broadsword, will be produced. This is that Broadsword I teased in a forum post that had the cameras mounted where the cockpit module would be; looks like an ADF-01 FALKEN.

    6.0 years ago
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    Yea that was pretty funny watching the catapult shred my aircraft to pieces and watching it get dragged it along the cat/deck and into the sea.

    6.0 years ago
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    Seeing your aircraft being ripped apart is so funny

    +2 6.0 years ago
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    2,910 Liquidfox01

    I like the canard modded broadsword, is it available?

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    I literally can’t express my excitement right now!!!

    +2 6.0 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    @Chancey21 They work great

    +2 6.0 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    I would love some pics of the hollow fuselages, I am hyped about them

    +1 6.0 years ago