In the midst of the great war, a new country has emerged. It occupies most of Snowstone and Bandit Airport in Krakabloa. This fast growing country has been split into four provinces. They are MeatLandia governed by @Fishy26, Avalanchia governed by @xGeneralFischx, Freedom Ridge Governed by @MRMDAWURM, and the White Eagle Plateau governed by @dubbleL. More information on this country will soon be revealed.
NATIONAL NEWS: New Country Forms, from the chief of development and trade management of F.R.E.S.
4,769 Snowtato
6.0 years ago
\/ @Zoomzoom999
If you visit the SL website, you can see out new map.
Also MRMDARWUM include a link to me page on it
After the major inactivity, Ryland took over al of krabola. We ha son idea of either prescense or either nation, and claimed bandit as our own. After a discussion with the leader of Ryland, we decided upon joint use of both bandit and Yeager @Zoomzoom999
Doesn't SimpleLandia own Bandit? @Strikefighter04