In vines Island (not too far from Francene Island) a convoy was attacked here are sighting images of the incident
the aircraft seen from French airlines flight 3
View from men working near the convoy after the attack
the aircraft as seen from a civilian drone
This presumably is germarica as the roundel is a blue iron cross and they have a bf 109
Ok @Bman01
Tag me on a private or public post @ViridiCinis
Ok. @Bman01
Oh, ok. Would you still like a clean individual version? @Bman01
I made it in sp but I had to throw it on an airbreaker @ViridiCinis
I feel like we should re-name Germarica, or create another powerful faction as its ally. I don't really like the name anymore for a variety of reasons. @Bman01 @Strikefighter04
Did you make it in SP? I forgot to post the roundel. I still can if it helps. @Bman01
Lol, that is perfect! @Bman01
I’ve made a roundel for the AMO it’s just maelström but with an X over it@ViridiCinis
Do you know if we are we allowed to create alternate SP accounts if we don't upvote our own aircraft/posts? I kind of want to create an account for Germarica... one we could even potential share. @Strikefighter04 @Bman01 I have Germarican planes IDK what to do with.
Also, I still don't have access to the Discord...
However, as @Strikefighter04 , if it is not a problem, I would prefer consultation over Maelström as that is my personal RP nation. @Bman01
Oh ok cool. @ViridiCinis
BTW, I may have created Germerica, but I give @Bman01 @Strikefighter04 & @BlackhattAircraft control over it as it is not my nation but a fictional RP enemy used for details in the RP. Feel free to control Germerica and make planes for them. If you want, you can even create their flag/emblem.
Lol, you misspelled my tag/ username. We’ve looked into this and are still unsure as to where it came from. Thank you for informing us of this. So far, the convoy had been marked as "missing", but now we know what happened. @Bman01 @Strikefighter04
Oh ok I see. But still make sure you ask next time, okay? @Bman01
Sorry I was kinda trying to be germarica for this and basically add some more events to rp @Strikefighter04
If any RP has an attack or event involving a nation, you must involve that person. @Bman01
Is this rping for other nations,well i’m sorry@Strikefighter04
I keep telling people that@Strikefighter04
Please don't RP for other nations.