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Is it the parts count very important at all ?

12.6k HNL47  6.1 years ago

I mean will you more than 100 upvotes if you build stuff that has over 1000+ parts count ?

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    No. But the details and performance lead to it. Generally, the more good looking plane you make, the more parts you use to make it look good. Thus a proportional relationship of the two factors are achieved. Although some planes are exempted due to audience impact and other uncontrolled variables

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    Weaverfish make less detailed plane but with a nice proportion and accuracy and noticed by everyone. Hence parts count doesn't really matters its both proportion and functionality.

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    Wellit’s not the part count that makes something good, it’s the amount of detail and accuracy. The thing is, to increase the amount of accuracy and detail, it tends to take more parts.
    What the better players tend to do is give their planes the most amount of detail possible with the most efficient use of parts as possible.
    Examples, BogdanX is particularly good at doing this, and BoganBoganTheMan isn’t that great at this (no offence Bogan, you builds are still great :D)

    +2 6.1 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47

    @spefyjerbf Ah the famous SUNBURN I know it, the unbeatable aircraft

    +2 6.1 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    Not necessarily. People value efficient building styles, too. I have never build a 1000+ part plane, and my most most upvoted build has less than 400 parts.

    +4 6.1 years ago
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    Add tiny fuselage blocks for more points for more more upvotes. LIFE HAX

    +2 6.1 years ago
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    8,762 BlunderBirb

    From a potato standpoint yeah, part counts lets me determine if I will be able to run the craft or not, but it doesnt really matter for anything else.

    6.1 years ago
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    15.9k Stormfur

    now dayz more parts=more upvotes.
    i noticed that with my 50 part fighters

    6.1 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    No not really, people like BogdanX make really accurate replicas on less than 400 parts, a good tip is to use rescaled stock parts to make details like panels and vents and whatnot.

    6.1 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47

    @BoganBoganTheMan yeah this Guy know how to build stuff without crashing your device

    6.1 years ago
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    Optimization is the key look at BogdanX

    6.1 years ago
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    But no

    6.1 years ago
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    No my beetle is 900 parts XD

    6.1 years ago
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    No but a lot of detail = a ton of parts and prople appreciate detail.

    +3 6.1 years ago
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    detail is the sauce

    +9 6.1 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    It is not about parts but the details. Most details increase the part count, but if you can do the same with fewer parts you will get the same number of upvotes.
    Also mechanic stuff takes a lot of parts.

    +3 6.1 years ago
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    10.9k Rub3n213

    Not so much, but more parts usually means more detail, effort, etc

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    9,222 T8flight

    Yuh. Like always

    6.1 years ago