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So where did i go wrong?

243k RamboJutter  5.9 years ago

My last build was, in my opinion, one of my better builds, custom airbrake, landing gear, folding wings, custom weapons, air intakes that you can see all the way to the engines, custom flaps and slats, leading and trailing edges you can cut tomatoes on, nice shape and details, nearly 1000 parts and yet only 30 votes... (thanks to all those who upvoted, much appreciated). Im a bit demoralised with this outcome, what else should i have done to attract more interest?


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    @RamboJutter ah that makes sense

    5.9 years ago
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    @natekid2222 ah k, that's because the game doesn't have a sequencer so you have to do it manually, if you link the doors to the wheels they clash.

    5.9 years ago
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    @RamboJutter by the wheel door i mean the thing where when the wheels go up you have to use an AG to close the door part

    5.9 years ago
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    @natekid2222 thanks :) the things you stated where all for justifiable reasons though (not sure what you mean by wheel door thing), the flaps on aircraft are always down when readying for takeoff (somepeople dont figure out how to put them down on SP before trying to takeoff), the airbrake was so you could have engines on and airbrake deployed, it helps when using it on the refueling mod to control speed, if you have it on the brake button its airbrake or power not both.

    5.9 years ago
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    i loved this thing and followed you because of it but there are a few (small) things i didnt like
    1. flaps starting down
    2. airbrake on VTOL and not B
    3. wheel door thing

    5.9 years ago
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    @RamboJutter The Yak have a better intake - notice how its intake is exactly the same height as the other part of the fuselage, and how the cross section is pretty much a circle; the problem with the fins is not that they are too short, but that they are too narrow and too swept back to look nice - a flat tip might look slightly nicer than that, and... (well I stopped here as I'm starting to realize I'm pretty much describing the designs of those twin-tailed American birds)

    5.9 years ago
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    @ThomasRoderick wow thanks for the detailed response.

    I still like it though (but maybe that's just me, sometimes something can be appealing even though it should be ugly, look at the we lightning or bb buccaneer), if you compare it to the blueprints of a yak 38 forger the airframe, intakes etc are almost 100% matching, that said I then changed the cockpit and wheels to suit what i wanted as well as trailing edge of wing and fins. The fins where a compromise as a single large fin like the yak would have, in combination with the undercarriage, made it too tall for a British carrier.

    Mby my first mistake was basing the build on a Russian design but it looked to me anyway as if it was a mini tsr2 with other aircraft bits thrown in already. I did try to combine a few different things such as the slats and flaps, cutting edge leading and trailing edges but as I mentioned earlier the basics where a very close replica of a real aircraft.

    I still load it to fly about in over most of my other builds, maybe I should have named it marmite :) I like it but each to their own. Again thanks for the honest opinion and comments, I shall certainly consider them for any future builds.

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    Although I'm someone who serious lacks creativity myself, I do think that this particular craft is MUCH less aesthetically appealing than pretty much any of your builds since your first bi-plane (except the Nimrod) - many of your previous builds have the special appeal of WWII British designs, with their elegant curves, distinctive paintjobs, and what I can only describe as a sense of "goofiness" thanks to their stubby airframe and streamlined fuselage. And then a special appeal of diesel-punk, granted by the over-sized engines, ducted fans, and Y-shaped tail fins, are added on top of them.

    The problem with this plane? It have NONE of those appeals, and in general looks quite out of character for a design of yours. The airframe does not look streamlined, the nose is too small, the vertical stabilizers are WAY too long and narrow for a twin-tailed plane (and that's on top of them being too close together and that the angle between them is too small), the intakes are placed in a VERY awkward position (if it was as tall as the fuselage, the plane looks fine, if it was around 2/3 of the height, it will also be fine, but...), and that the cross-section of this jet looks WAY too blocky.

    TL;DR: You tried too hard on combining every feature into this plane, without thinking about whether any of them will fit each other. I'm still curious how you continued on this design without realizing this, especially given your past record for making so many astounding planes.

    5.9 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    10/10 advice @BogdanX

    5.9 years ago
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    @BogdanX go on then boggy I'm intrigued enough to ask, what should I have done with it?

    5.9 years ago
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    Also teasers, people will know what you will be releasing. Sometimes people just look in the forums so they might see it there.

    5.9 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp

    When Froken World gets more upvotes than any of my planes 🙃

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp

    @BogdanX oof

    5.9 years ago
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    2,985 Clawsome

    My highest rated post ever got 14 ratings😂
    To be fair, at the time, that was enough to get it to the top of the highest rated page.

    5.9 years ago
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    28.4k goboygo1

    "oNlY 30 UpVoTeS"

    +3 5.9 years ago
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    38.8k ZetaAvalon

    Your about to Take the 1st place in The Users

    5.9 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    This post is where you went wrong.

    +8 5.9 years ago
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    32.3k CrazyCatZe

    That’s yust unlucky....I mean look at that, I spent ours on this

    5.9 years ago
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    6,142 Hypn0

    make something ww2

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    Also because of the angle of the screenshot and the colour of the background, tye cockpit looks kinda weird for some reason.

    5.9 years ago
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    25.7k Z3RO

    think you should try something more modern. dunno. sharper? if everything fail, try to make a meme or a reupload. tbh its what makes more upvotes.... saddly

    5.9 years ago
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    Make teasers, make the background a different colour.

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    76.9k 2Papi2Chulo

    believe me, i know the feeling, just look at my profile

    5.9 years ago
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    Maybe do some more advertising on the forums

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    I blame it on me not seeing the plane.

    5.9 years ago