The repex alliance is here for a possible emergency against the the Federation of Africa.they plan on declaring war on us to get South Africa.of course we have 3 days to make sure we can make a deal.
They laid claims of South Africa in early March but Relaria made claims on mid February we need loyal allies to jump in.and whoever likes Relaria
Great empire of relaria
-i KNow tHe DIFfEreNce BeTweEn F You AnD F oFf
-Oh NO ExO USEd The f WoRd It MeAn To f AT evEyOnE
You said F off @exosuit
@Bman01 could you kindly point out where exactly i cussed because clearly my tiny Asian eyes aren't big enough to properly see.
I'm not being generally unlikable, but you're being this dumdum to actually post this on the forums when the dispute is clearly won on my favor, and spreading false information like this, do you think I'll just be quiet about it?
I am clearly not amused by this whole situation and i bet you do, too. So i would kindly ask to not asking people who are clearly not involved in this situation into a pointless aggression towards me, and actually make an agreement within 2 days before i take further action.
I would appreciate you refrain from cussing at everyone and being generally unlikable@exosuit
@xGeneralFischx i will appreciate if you refrain from helping the war criminal if a war that he can totally avoid really happened.
You are recovering from the previous war anyways.
@Bman01 okay will do
We cannot have an official alliance, but I will ask Nevada if we can join your side of war breaks out. However, we will be unable mich help, for we are still recovering from the bombings.
The fact that you seek "international" help because you lost an argument is pathetic since practically everyone agreed that the land dispute is won on my favor since you've been actively avoiding the topic for a long time.
you practically declined all of both me and UAC's resolution to the problem just because you only want to keep Cape Town but at the same time wanting all of my lands.
Who's the aggressor here if not you
Oh look
You took this to the forums after losing an argument online.
Make a forum post about your RP country (population,military.etc.,)@BlueCitrus
Ooo roleplay can I join?
Plus wasn’t the Spain wars a while ago?at least can we get supplies from you@Strikefighter04
We have recovered from the Spain wars@Strikefighter04
I must think about this
We cannot afford to join this conflict, as we are still recovering from the Spanish War.
Maelström accepts to join this alliance.