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Breaking News: Apparent terrorist attack leaves Snowstone Ambassador in critical condition

2,444 xGeneralFischx  5.8 years ago

At about 11am pm EST, Ambassador General John “Fisch” Jegan, ambassador of Snowstone and founder of the Phoenix Alliance, took off from New Vegas International Airport. After resigning from Chairman of the OSS and withdrawing the FRES from the Mojave Pact, the Ambassador decided to leave for Snowstone as soon as possible, in the Snowstonian ambassadorial plane, Snowstone One. However, while nearing J.F.K. for a short layover, a Fÿsh Aeronautics F/A-37 was identified on the radar, a popular Snowstonian exported plane that serves as a fighter-attack role. The plane, however, was not of Snowstonian or Nevadan origin, who is the largest user of the plane.

The unidentified craft fired a missile on the starboard side of Snowstone One, igniting engines 3 and 4 and making fuel leak. The leaking fuel quickly caught fire, exploding the right wing and leaving a gash along the side of the craft. As the plane lost cabin pressure, it began to spiral out of control. Had it not been for a modified German TU-95 which helped stabilize the plane, the crash would have been fatal for all on board. As the plane fell, the tail sheered off killing all those who were in the rear. The TU-95 was forced to let go of the plane at 200 feet, causing Snowstone One to slam into the ground.

Out of the 17 on board, 7 miraculously survived. The pilot and co-pilot were killed, along with 2 secret service members, and 3 flight attendants,2 assistants of the Ambassador, and 1 member of the press. Those who survived included the navigator, 1 flight attendant, 1 assistant, and 1 manner of the press. The engineer and ambassador are in critical condition. When German, Snowstonian, Nevadan, and CVR forces secured the site, 98 armed soldiers attacked the area, apparently trying to destroy the plane. They were quickly put down. Badges of the pro-fascist political party in Snowstone were found on the apparent terrorists. The plane that’s shot down Snowstone One has not been found.

When the enemy aircraft was first detected on radar

Directly after the wing exploded

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    Oh @HellRaiser

    5.8 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    Relaria is the only other user of the FA-237, also with a unique loadout. Plans were stolen for our FA-237 which had it's deadliest armament onboard, a compliment of 8 Air-To Air missiles, 4 Air-To-Ground missiles, and 3 ADEN Mk. IV 30mm cannons.

    5.8 years ago
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    Duly noted @asteroidbook345

    5.8 years ago
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    @Strikefighter04 lol

    5.8 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars


    5.8 years ago
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    Roger. Let’s hope our plane doesn’t get shot down. @xGeneralFischx

    5.8 years ago
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    If you could try to find the blast residue, we might be able to source where the missile cane from @Strikefighter04

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    Ok, we can send an air crash investigator to search the crash site. @xGeneralFischx

    5.8 years ago
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    I will send some support to help out

    5.8 years ago
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    Lol. As if right now, we need to find who is responsible for the crash@Strikefighter04

    5.8 years ago
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    @xGeneralFischx CVR is still busy help clean up the crash

    5.8 years ago
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    Meanwhile in SimpleLandia, everyone is living a normal life
    Anyway, that is horrible. Anything we can do to help?

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    It is an oof @Fishy26

    5.8 years ago
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    7,432 Fishy26

    Oof @xGeneralFischx

    5.8 years ago
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    5.8 years ago
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    5.8 years ago