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What is this black mark?

15.9k Vidal99977  5.9 years ago

So I've been trying to make a winglet for a plane, and this black mark shows up and it is just annoying.

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    Could you tell me

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    @AWESOMENESS360 Yup. It is worse with 1.8 aswell. I would recommend that he just have a straight part and rotate it with finetuner.

    5.9 years ago
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    What's happening is that you're essentially "stretching" the part;
    When you have small parts that have values of around 0.1, to 0.05, things get a little weird, if you make the height something like 0.05, the width 1, and the length 5, or something else, it basically stretches out the texture for the block, and it results in a dark black mass being displayed where there originally was a texture. Weird, I know. I've ran into the same problem multiple times, it's annoying af.

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    38.2k V

    I need better pics to dignose the problem. But heres solutions based off what i can see.
    1. layer wings together instead of using a fuelslage.
    2 remove the winglet and try another method of making one

    5.9 years ago
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    As @BlueCitrus said.

    5.9 years ago
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    15.9k Vidal99977

    Surprises can not be told @DPSAircraftManufacturer

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    That's what happens when like.... so put a fuselage block down (for example) put one sides height to 10 and the other sides height to 0.5 and the length to 0.5 | basically it's when you stretch the texture

    +7 5.9 years ago
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    15.9k Vidal99977


    +1 5.9 years ago
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    15.9k Vidal99977


    +2 5.9 years ago