Current Event
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Entries [0/12]
Classes overview
This post will keep track of all the different race classes and their regulations. Original post. To participate you must comment a link to your aircraft and I'll count you in for the current event. Remember, your aircraft has to meet regulations to keep things fair and fun!
All participants must upload their vehicle either unlisted or public when ready so it can be examined for any cheats.
Light Sport (Air Race)
- Max part count: 85
- Max total horsepower: 600
- Max weight: 4000 lbs
- Max length: 35 ft
- Max wingspan: 40 ft
- Max height 20 ft
- Must be capable of takeoff and landing
- No scaling with finetuner
- No weapons of any kind
- No jet, helicopter and 1.2 engines
- Provided subassemblies are not edited in any way
Allowed XML Modifications
- NoCollisions
- MassScale and DragScale (ONLY FOR DECORATIONS!)
Provided Subassemblies
- XML Modded Landing Gear Set
Prototype League (Car Race)
- Max part count: 260
- Max total horsepower: 750
- Minimum weight: 1500 lbs
- Maximum weight: 5000 lbs
- Max length: 25 ft
- Max width: 15ft
- Max height: 8 ft
- No scaling of parts
- No jet, prop, helicopter or 1.2 engines
Allowed XML Modifications
- NoCollisions
- MassScale and DragScale (ONLY FOR DECORATIONS!)
Provided Subassemblies
- None
SP-1 (Car Race)
- Cars are provided by third parties, the paint scheme is up to you.
- Everyone gets the same type of car.
- No modifications to cars, everything comes down to the driver's skill.
Allowed XML Modifications
- None
Provided Subassemblies
- None
Sport Class (Air Race)
- Max part count: 100
- Max total horsepower: 1200
- Min weight: 1400 lbs
- Max weight: 4500 lbs
- Max length: 35 ft
- Max wingspan: 40 ft
- Max height 15 ft
- Must be capable of takeoff and landing
- No scaling with finetuner
- No weapons of any kind
- No jet, helicopter and 1.2 engines
- Provided subassemblies are not edited in any way
Allowed XML Modifications
- NoCollisions
- MassScale and DragScale(ONLY FOR DECORATIONS!)
Provided Subassemblies:
Super Sport (Air Race)
- Max part count: 80
- Max total horsepower: 2300
- Min weight: 1500 lbs
- Max weight: 6000 lbs
- Max length: 35 ft
- Max wingspan: 40 ft
- Max height 20 ft
- Must be capable of takeoff and landing
- No scaling with finetuner
- No weapons of any kind
- No jet, helicopter and 1.2 engines
- Provided subassemblies are not edited in any way
Allowed XML Modifications
- NoCollisions
- MassScale and DragScale(ONLY FOR DECORATIONS!)
Provided Subassemblies:
Hypersport (Air Race)
- Max part count: 85
- Max total horsepower: 5200
- Min weight: 1300 lbs
- Max weight: 6800 lbs
- Max length: 40 ft
- Max wingspan: 40 ft
- Max height 20 ft
- Must be capable of takeoff and landing
- No scaling with finetuner
- No weapons of any kind
- No jet, helicopter and 1.2 engines
- Provided subassemblies are not edited in any way
Allowed XML Modifications
- NoCollisions
- MassScale and DragScale(ONLY FOR DECORATIONS!)
Provided Subassemblies:
Stock Sport (Air Race)
- Aircraft provided by manufacturer
- The aircraft provided will not be modified except for the paint scheme (decals and other decorative additives are allowed)
Allowed XML Modifications
- MassScale and DragScale(ONLY FOR DECORATIONS!)
Provided Subassemblies:
- None
[Leave suggestions for more classes!]
My KPL1 is currently in development, I would like to participate in the Prototype League. Are there any upcoming races? If so, is it possible to join even though it is a little late? @Aerofy
Are there any incoming vehicle races? The AE86 that I have wants some action @Aerofy
@FastRacer023 That would be nice! Just let me know if the date is inconvenient, I could still change it a day before the race.
@Aerofy I will be sure to participate on the next race
@FastRacer023 Alright that's fine
@Aerofy unfortunatelly I will not be able to participate as today is the orthodox easter and at the time of the race i will be at the church to celebrate the resurrection as it is a tradition
Ok cool, thanks.
@JohnnyBoythePilot Alright, I'm willing to make an exception.
My Greenhorn plane would go pretty good with Light Sport Class, although the prop/engine is xml-modded so it handles & weighs similar to a real-life Lycoming IO-360.
@robloxweponco Gold prix
@Zoomzoom999 Yes
also suggestions:
jetsport: you get the idea, jets only
anything goes (cars): anything goes as long as its a car
anything goes (planes) anything goes as long as it can fly
warhammer: heli races
the rodeo: dogfighting, but the normal weapons arent allowed(because they dont work), you must build your own
ima enter my formula E for the prototype league.
edit: what car tracks will we use? gold prix or mirage?
can i use this for the prototype league? @Aerofy
create a discord server @Aerofy
time to bring back my BMW E30!
@Aerofy Im gonna be prototype league with a modified AE86
@LancasterAce Nice, I'll let you know when a race is planned
How are you going to ensure that people follow the rules
@marcox43 It's done, I added the link to the provided subassemblies.
@marcox43 I'm working on it right now, I'll tag you when it's done
do you have the Landing gear subassemblys? my plane has some troubles right now with the rear LG (cannard with rear engine)
@Zoomzoom999 I'd change the rules a little bit, 100 parts is very low for making a racing car with decent suspension..., I'd leave it at 200 max, but limit hp to 300hp.
2500lb will be hard without modding. I'll give it a try tho (remember the cockpit alone is 550lb).
@Zoomzoom999 17 feet is hardly the length of a compact sedan, I would say 25 feet for people who want bigger vehicles ( trucks, SUVs, etc).