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Waves, and weather

3,036 12705129  5.9 years ago

I know that a lot of ships have been added to the game and it just dosent look that realistic so a wave setting with height controls would be awsome and maybe even a tsunami button!

Also, for the overcast and other rainy/stormy weather settings I would like to see actual rain and lightning and maybe even bad waves during storms. That's all for now!

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    18.2k exosuit

    Where did SimpleBattleship mod go

    5.9 years ago
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    Clouds in general in SimplePlanes are terrible, like I'll be trillions of miles in the air, (basically space) and there'll still be clouds, and a sunny sky above. I also kinda wish there was actual rain and lightning, it'd be cool if the lightning could strike your aircraft too, and maybe disable a few things, like your engine or something in doing so, idk. The waves idea probably isn't possible, due to how the game engine works, but people have proved me wrong before. Maybe someday in a future update, but for now, I guess we just have to play with what we got.

    +3 5.9 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    Isn't this SimplePlAnES?

    5.9 years ago
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    10.9k Rub3n213

    Alien invaders too please

    5.9 years ago
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    Also we need 3D wind with thermals and turbulence.

    5.9 years ago
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    I agree with the fact that we need better weather. Clouds in SP are completely garbage. And we have no rain or anything. All we need for rain is a bit of animation and decreased visibility.

    With the ocean, I also 100% agree. It’d be so fun landing sea planes in 5m swells lol. Not sure about tsunami buttons tho.

    5.9 years ago
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    Maybe not all of taht but I'm all in for a marine update. Imagine. Real water parts (like how we got heli stuff) it would be great for ships and submarines. Also let us access underwater like with the underwater mod except that that it works better because how it is you can basically see everything. Make the camera darker and limit view range etc to make it like you're under water.

    5.9 years ago
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    STORMWORKS 2.0!!!!!!!

    5.9 years ago
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    3,036 12705129

    Gotta go byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5.9 years ago
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    3,036 12705129

    Yeah, I've got so many ships waves would be awsome. I do have one with a wave simulator (bobbing and tilting) but without actual waves it's ugly

    5.9 years ago
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    I love that idea, but I don’t know if it’s possible.

    5.9 years ago