I started up so today and erverything was gone all my trains planes cars mods wips everything
I'm honestly done
Yours truly
Note: if I come back it wont be the same
I started up so today and erverything was gone all my trains planes cars mods wips everything
I'm honestly done
Yours truly
Note: if I come back it wont be the same
@AircroftDesigin ok good good, take a good rest and be back fresh ready with new ideas to make and upload. 😊 It's what I did and it really does work
@Loopy200 tbh your probably right
@AircroftDesigin k
Dont worry though, your an amazing builder and you can make planes just like the ones you lost. I think you just need a break from simple planes
@AircroftDesigin ohhhhhhhh ok...
@DepressedTortoise it's booting I just lost all my data
@Strikefighter04 I'm not going permentaly
@Mattangi2 yeah
Had a similar experience. SP just wouldn't boot. Check with the devs, they sorted it out with me!
Aw man! Don’t go!
I think this happened to me. All i had to do was allow SP to access data again (idk why it reset that permission)
@AircroftDesigin thats good to know
i've had that happen to me before, it sucks, i know...
@AircroftDesigin ok
@BlackhattAircraft I won't be dead I plan on coming back under the name dodgy04 weather this account or a new one
@Loopy200 if I don't get anything back from them in 2 days I will make a update post
@doge @doge I'm on Android
@Loopy200 @Tully2001 they were ready to uploaded in the Easter holiday 2 a day
@AircroftDesigin You will be missed, KIT friend
@doge ok
Agian steam should have a back up of all of his game files including his aircraft
I didn't even have to redownload mods @Loopy200
@doge yeah I do that too but Aircroftdesign said "I have over 30 vehicles ready to upload" implying that he was going to upload them and not just keep them there.
It just happens I have 10-20 aircraft I haven't posted for so reason or another
Didn't look visually pleasing
To difficult to fly for ppl that didn't build it
High stall speed (like 500mph) requiring a parachute
Rebuilds and modifications of old aircraft
Aircraft using mods
Old helicopters from before 1.8
Personal craft that I keep for my self @Loopy200
If I got so through steam steam will have a back up of ALL OF UR AIRCRAFT I know this becuse i had to reinstall Windows10 last week and it wipes EVERYTHING off the HDD
(Edit) just realized he might not know what an HDD is it's a hard drive @AircroftDesigin @Tully2001
@AircroftDesigin why? Is it supposed to help your current situation? Or just cause you don't wanna change it cause you don't like it.