I have a problems with small models of birds so there is large or middle sizes birds only . Choose one of them and write it's name in comments : Cinereous Vulture , Bearded Vulture , Golden Eagle , Bald (American) Eagle . I will start make it if it have 5 votes . Also you could advice me how it should looks ( WITH glasses , clothes , Watch and etc.) . Special thanks for @MilesTPrower , @DoctorCorvus , @AWESOMENESS360 , @DustyT33 , @KingPythogoras , @11qazxc , @Notaleopard , @Vidal99977 for support and judgement . Hope you like it !
@WarHawk95 :)
@shahram15 in french we say "Merci beaucoup" hehe
@DoctorCorvus XD , Thanks for Vote !
@Notaleopard no IT'S 17:50 , evening . Thanks for Vote ! I'm working on it already ! My Country is Uzbekistan .
Bald Eagle
And one question is it Morning in your Country?
@WarHawk95 It's 2 votes to the Bald Eagle ! Thanks for Vote ! Merci Boku !
Bald Eagle
@CrashFighter05 Sorry , I will fix it . So what is your answer ?
@shahram15 you can't tag any more than 3 people in a single comment.
My vote is Golden Eagle .