Relatively simple way to optimize simulation. There's probably a shorter version of the same method but this is easier.
Required: Notepad++ or something else with regex substitution (change Search Mode to "Regular Expression"). Android users can connect their phone to a PC.
Note: Always backup your aircraft first, or perform the changes in a copy.
{Edit1904230733} Changed the quantifier from * (unlimited greedy) to *? (unlimited lazy)
1. Dump old XML tags
Substitute calculateDrag=".*?" with nothing. Substitute massScale=".*?" with nothing.
2. Actual stuff
Substitute Part id="([0-9]+)" with Part id="\1" massScale="0" calculateDrag="false". (You can optionally precede both Part ... with "<" for safety)
3. Profit
Enjoy your new plane with zero mass and drag. (Be sure to give mass back to parts that need it)
@IDNSatyaSlebew yes
Can health also edited entirely?
@AstleyIndustries it wouldn't cause an issue if there were no other attributes after calculateDrag, which I don't think there usually is, but it's good to be airtight...
Adding the multi part edit similar to the one on FineTuner would be great
But I don't know if that's possible
@AstleyIndustries oOf
@CrashFighter05 overload only does one part at a time, gonna have a bad time editing 400 parts
@WNP78 thanks for catching this lol (somehow didn't get that problem when i did it though)
You might want to make the calculateDrag=".*" lazy matching (calculateDrag=".*?") so that it doesn't delete things after it. For instance, calculateDrag=".*" would match all of calculateDrag="false" health="200", including the health tag, since the wildcard includes as much as possible.
Or just use this It's much easier.
or you could use overload.