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Suggestions for the future 1.9(Over)

12.9k enzoBoeing757  5.8 years ago

add glass parts(Glass block, and all parts to have glass in the Glass blocks section)
Add Glass block section(put there all glass parts)
Electrical parts( Electric Fan motor, Electric fan, Electrical appliances)
Add new plane (Boeing 777-300Er)
New Island, Home. A medium size island that has 2 Windmill houses and a house. and a location (Home island).
Put your 1.9 Suggestions in the comments, they will be added!

The 1.9 update is already there, and Noname's suggestion got added, wow Noname is lucky!

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    @Noname918181 lol

    2.3 years ago
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    2,952 FaLLin1

    @enzoBoeing757 I know I already have it thx

    5.1 years ago
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    @Rsouissi well, 1.9 cut all android mods except for the designer suite, XML, and finetuner, but theres a mod called Maywar for android, by kakhi

    5.1 years ago
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    I want tank cannons
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    5.1 years ago
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    @Rsouissi awwww. i m upset i didnt find it.

    5.8 years ago
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    2,952 FaLLin1

    @enzoBoeing757 no wait i just asking about

    5.8 years ago
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    @Destroyerz117 Lol im going cranacmkxlmV3*

    5.8 years ago
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    @Rsouissi wait. maywar is in 1.8? OMG I GOTTA GO WITH MY OLD 767 I WILL FLY THERE AND I GO JSKDVCK wow that word was mesled uaj

    5.8 years ago
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    2,952 FaLLin1

    @enzoBoeing757 u mean on 1.8 maywar existe in android

    5.8 years ago
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    @Destroyerz117 the NPCsjjzgzBd?

    5.8 years ago
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    sorry i get that what I'm writing is kind of confusing lol

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    @Destroyerz117 OkKKKkKkKkkkkKn?7

    5.8 years ago
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    @enzoBoeing757 no what I'm saying is this doesn't change how it works because it's already ingame, inside xml settings you can set say a pistons input as Activate1 , when you then click 1 the piston will extend.
    Xml let's you change settings and values the game doesnt let you do normally, it uses things that are already in the game that's why if someone xml mods an engine to go twice as day someone else's can download and use that and it will still go twice as fast in their game.
    So letting us set activation groups as inputs woulfnt change how they work since they already can work as inputs it just would mean we could do it without going into the files to change xml values

    5.8 years ago
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    @Destroyerz117 what i mean is, we cant change the way it works.

    5.8 years ago
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    @enzoBoeing757 using ag as an input is already a setting that you can do with xml, doesn't make sense that its locked away

    5.8 years ago
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    @Rsouissi maywar should be added on all platforms.

    5.8 years ago
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    @Destroyerz117 sorry but we cant fix the AG. if we do that, some planes that have AGs will be ruined. leading to a large paradox of confusion

    5.8 years ago
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    @Destroyerz117 woah thats lots of ideas

    5.8 years ago
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    I have a few ideas for future updates, nothing that needs to be added anytime soon:
    - General overhaul of sounds in game
    - An attachment point on the front of resizable wheels to allow creation of custom hubcaps that spin with the wheel
    - Further integration of popular mods into the game
    things like being able to change part settings previously locked only to xml properties like using activation groups as inputs.
    - new inputs specifically for beacon lights, like roll left and roll right or even a pitch backwards and pitch forwards input, this is so we can do blinkers and reverse lights on cars.
    - more color slots to choose from, additionally ability to enter amount of reflectivity and direct rgb color inputs etc like in the color change mod.
    - multi select tools
    - buttons that will disable drag and aircraft collisions on selected fuselage, or all of them
    - ability to move and resize menus in the designer, also have multiple open menus open simultaneously
    - easily set background images in the designer for reference, like in blender or maya for example
    - a transparency slider to then match your build with those references
    - remove yellow highlight box when changing rise in fuselage etc. it gets in the way
    - be able to test vtol and trim inside of designer (like how it works with roll,pitch anf yaw already)
    - allow camera to go underwater, its an unnecessary restriction
    - remove size caps completely on many parts, if I want a piston to have a range off 100 , or a wheel the size is mars let me do that without xml
    - allow objects like wheel, pistons and wings to be mirrored inside of one another, the prompt often interferes when I'm just trying to mirror one side of my aircraft
    - integrate scale tool from fine tuner into game
    - let the wing gun attach to fuselage, you can make tank turrets but not without fiddling around trying to clip them into a wing part
    - more bindable hotkeys for pc to use within the designer, like say for quickly mirroring a single piece, hotkey to disable aircraft collisions on shredded part or disable drag
    - fix hit box on hole disagree so we can still select the pieces inside the ring
    -proper smoke trails, we can make our own with tickets but they tends to blow up
    -disable annoying animation where the side menu will go in when you move a part, usually just causes lag
    - make cleaning inputs or ag groups a drop down instead of something we have to click through

    5.8 years ago
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    @SubXTribe yeah being able to destroy fleets with a bomber squadron would be badass

    5.8 years ago
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    @JamesBoA yeah. i want to make a really good electric fan.

    5.8 years ago
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    @RailfanEthan im on android, and no maywar. so i just, ok let's ju-Uuughhhhh!

    5.8 years ago
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    @RailfanEthan i just want it.

    5.8 years ago
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    @RailfanEthan But i want a windmill!

    5.8 years ago
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    9,222 T8flight

    Being able to drive subs underwater

    5.8 years ago
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