562 skullcandy01

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joined 6.1 years ago

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So, you're here now, at my bio. . .

What? Do you want my life story? Because I dont have a life. I am just an unpopular teenager who is always given the side eye because they like planes at an age above 10 years old...

Hey! Look, the simpleplanes devs said "Do NOT enter any personally identifiable information", so what am I supposed to tell you? Okay interesting facts about me... Hm... Oh! I got it! I was once tried to make a robotic spider monkey out of cardboard and wood to ride to school in.

Not interesting enough? Okay lemme think. . . Ooh! I use windows because im an acceptable human being! You use mac? such a shame...

Okay, one last one... I was once pepper sprayed whilst trying to break up a fight between two dogs. Dont beleive me? Well you'll just have to live your life thinking that such an amazing story was false. How sad is that?