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Should there be military ground missions and a overall expansion of the mission list in general?

12.9k poenix  5.9 years ago

I wonder if the library of military missions in simpleplanes should be expanded.

You see I think it’s too easy to play through all these missions and right now and there really isn’t any missions on the ground in the combat category.

I think it would be interesting if some are added, especially if it pushes people to build tanks and go to places only really accessible by land or water. It may also give a opportunity to add a new major Island to the map that that would be much harder to explore. Just having city’s, tunnels and caves that are inaccessible to aircraft can really change things up, especially if there are military bases and cover to fight with.

The map alone has pretty much been completely uncovered at this point as well and adding some new content to it may give some longer time and new players something to explore for a while.

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    oh right sorry that was already suggested

    5.9 years ago
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    would be cool if we had like a mission creator ingame where you could lay out basic enemy convoys and planes and then later upload to steam workshop

    5.9 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    @DeezDucks a mission creator! I like how ya think!

    5.9 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    I think they should integrate User made missions and not just user made map missions, like if there was an editor to place your own AI enemies and progression/ stages that would be really neat. A bit complicated however.

    +4 5.9 years ago
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    121k belugasub


    +1 5.9 years ago
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    Also, submarine missions. Make it happen

    5.9 years ago
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    I agree. More islands should be added to simple planes. Once players discover all of the islands and do all of the missions, there aren’t many things to do. I would like to see sea missions, and more harbors around the map, like in snow stone or the wright isles, and maybe add things like turrets that are meant for battleships.

    +2 5.9 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    Imagine going through city blocks, wiping out tanks at every corner trying to find new secret areas in game.

    5.9 years ago