So I recently found out that most naval only have a hull thickness of about 1/8 - 3/8 in. Why is this? And why isn’t anything being done? Missiles are much, much more damaging than that of a shell from WWII.
Making it seemingly easy for at least a .44 magnum revolver to breach the hull
sure. The hull isnt gonna bounce much more than pistol shots, but question: how many bullets do you think the crew is gonna let you shoot at them?
@Bobjoezonehill Understandable, I'm aware of the systems of counter-attacks, But don't you think you'd want to make it a little more than 1/8 of an inch? Just think... that's thinner than most body armor. As well as most cruise ships.
The idea is that nearly everything can pen a hull. No matter the thickness. So why waste money and ship speed for armor when you can have radar that sees beyond gun range, plane that explode other heavily armored ships, missiles that destroy planes and other missiles, and guns that shoot so many bullets that they too destroy missiles. Throw on 5 inch guns and .50 cals and you’re good to go.
@Lahoski107 literally, in woodshop i used like .5 inch neck pockets and stuff because i was concerned that flurocarbon fishing line would snap the neck of the instrument while the navy uses 1/8 steel while i have .5 hard maple
Yeah @Lahoski107
@randomusername @Strikefighter04 nonetheless, they should probably make it more than 1/8 inch of armor.
@randomusername yeah, thus making it easy to penetrate the hull. Ik I don’t make sense
@WhyAreWeHere but I’d like to say it’s harder than it
@randomusername aircraft can be countered with missiles as well
LineX is not sponsored by Phil Swift is it?
Thus making it obsolete
@Strikefighter04 ... or can they??? (Vsauce)
@WhyAreWeHere or just add lineX to the hull
The enemy won’t get close enough to attack it. @Lahoski107
thats a thicc hole, better patch it up with some thicc flex seal
@Strikefighter04 the fact that possibly a pistol round can breach the hull... let alone a missile, it just slightly angers me.
Nobody knows
Building on what @randomusername said, modern weapon systems are so good nowadays there is no need for super thick hulls, as anti-ship missiles can be destroyed before reaching the ship.
@randomusername the thing is... they do.