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Give players the ability to use the tournament feature (plus some other things)

6,470 Typhlosion130  5.8 years ago

Personally I only think it makes sense.
allow players access to the same thing Jundroo does when doing tournaments so community tournaments not only work smoother but can be held and ran just like normal, official ones. though the rules could be modified to any extent the person wishes

Secondly, I'd like to see a non modded in multiplayer. specifically, one which can work for race modes n such. so you can actively test your vehicle, and your own skills controlling it with some one online. with out having to find a mod that works good and setting things up and such

and lastly, what about the ability to make custom race tracks? Placing the rings where you want them, either through flying and placing or some sort of editor. it'd simply allow you to get a lot more out of the game with that ability. perhaps sharing tracks at that point, which would link into the previous two suggestions as perhaps a community tournament is held on a custom track with all creations flown live by the players.

just some random thoughts and suggestions

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    @Tully2001 I know that, but having access to the same system the game devs do to just have it set up and automated would be a nice addition.

    5.8 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    the ring placing is a good idea, as some tracks have rings way outside of the racing line, meaning that most vehicles crash even tho they are capable of racing on good hands. I've seen too many good vehicles crash on Gold prix due to the semi-final ring...

    5.8 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    Wouldn't the online thing means it'll turn the game into a some sort of multiplayer game, which means the devs would have to rewrite the game?

    5.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    These are all good suggestions!

    5.8 years ago