San Ciriaco International Airport, San Ciriaco, Tempestad
2:00 PM Anchorage Time
There's an airshow of Tempestad's historical aircraft, including the original Flagship and the 5 WW2 era aircraft that were originally found that were eventually restored. Jets, props and helicopters soared and pulled stunts, including a squadron of 5 F-27 Mockingjays known as the Firebirds.
As the Firebirds finally finished their performance, a faint roar of jet engines could be heard. The public announcer of the event blasts into the PA system, saying: "Look up as we proudly present our new flagship, including manned planes, meaning we have an aircraft that carries and deploys better than our aircraft carriers on sea"
A large, long aircraft soars, with 2 turbofan engines and 2 jets, 3 airplanes on it, and 3 turrets. The flagship flies forward then rolls and turns around. As it comes back, the 3 aircraft detach, flying off and performing maneuvers, flying close to the audience as they cheer. That day was a great day. We had a new guardian angel.
@Aeromen I did
@WhyAreWeHere you can check out my aircraft
so Simplelandia?
Already a part of it
@WhyAreWeHere well I'm with @CptJacobson, @Strikefighter04, among others
Your own or are you part of someone else's rp? .
Theres like 80 of them
@WhyAreWeHere well some aircraft have similarities to real ones, just check them out.
And if you want, you can join the role play
No the story's fine
I just wondered if this was real
Guess not
@WhyAreWeHere if you're talking about the country, no, it's roleplay
If you mean the aircraft in the story, yes because I made them
If you didn't like it, sorry, I'm not the best in writing
I feel like a tard but is this real?