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I Need Help From Simple Experts

1,971 FLYGUY101  5.8 years ago

This isn't so simple after all. I'm working on a "custom missile" and I can't get it to work correctly. So what I want to happen is, you activate AG4, then you get a lock on your target, you press the launch missile button, then the pylon releases and the missile starts it's thruster, and then the missile flies to it's target. So that's what I want it to do, but now how do I do that with XML? First, I want the pylon to activate on AG4, but I don't want it to launch the missile yet. I want the pylon to launch the missile once I hit the "launch missile button" (on mobile). How do I program my pylon to do that in XML? Next big thing is that I want this thing to fly like a miniature plane and at the same time guide itself toward it's target. I have no clue how to do that. Finally, this isn't as important, but is there a way to change an air-to-ground missile into an air-to-air, or possibly combine the two into one? If someone could explain all this in the comments section or create a tutorial and send me a link, that would help me out so much! Maybe if I could post this missile as unlisted and send someone the link to edit it for me, preferably for making this thing fly, that would be awesome! Anyone who can legitimately help out with this issue will get 10 upvotes from me, and I'm serious! I'm desperate here folks! 😂 Those who at least tried, but couldn't figure it out will receive 3 upvotes. If you just say hi, I'll probably say hi back, but that's all you'll get from me. 😋 Thanks to any who are willing to help me out. This will greatly help me finish a lengthy project once and for all!

Thanks and fly safe!

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    @FLYGUY101 You can use these as sub-assemblies. Check the I posted earlier for the missile XML properties and let me know what you want edited.

    5.8 years ago
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    1,971 FLYGUY101

    How do I get a missile to stay put most of the time? I'm not always successful.

    5.8 years ago
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    @FLYGUY101 No, but you can use missiles to power aircraft that should work the way you want. Only problem is that they're not throttleable.

    5.8 years ago
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    1,971 FLYGUY101

    With XML, is it possible to make engines vacuum compatible (rocket engine potential)?

    5.8 years ago
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    You can't activate it without launching

    5.8 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47

    OK I can do that I will make a forum of XML editing and everyone can see

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    1,971 FLYGUY101

    I don't have trouble locking on to targets... It just doesn't fly right, so it doesn't destroy the target, and I need the pylon to release at the same time the the missile is activated.

    5.8 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    @FLYGUY101 guidance as locking on target and flying towards it.

    5.8 years ago
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    1,971 FLYGUY101

    Thanks. I can't look at it at the moment, but I will. I'll let you know if it helped or not.

    5.8 years ago
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    1,971 FLYGUY101

    I don't totally understand your comment. Could you possibly clarify? What do you mean by guidance?

    5.8 years ago
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    Check this out. Some of that should be able to help you.

    5.8 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    Ahh do you mean you want it to detach on ag4, and then turn on the thrusters once it's separated, or you want the guidance to work after you press ag4 and launch it like a normal missile?
    The first way is pretty much impossible, you can simulate it with two detachers, one set to some delay, but it won't lock.
    The second way works and you can See how to do it on my profile

    5.8 years ago