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80s Supercar Challenge Results!

29.1k Mattangi2  5.8 years ago

(winners: tag me on a unlisted post and tell me your preferred method of electronic monetary transaction so I can send you over your winnings)

Before you scroll, I just have to say that the 1st and 2nd Places were really, reeeeeaaaallly close. They were both almost perfect, and I had a hard time finding critiques to grade on.

One more thing to add: I graded the accuracy of the dimensions of the cars. They all claimed to be 1:1, but obviously, its impossible to make an exact 1:1 model. So I took the ratios of each dimension, then took its difference in absolute value from true 1:1. This is the "unit score." Then, I averaged all 4 unit scores (height, length, width, weight). The closer that final number is to 0, the more accurate that car is. I made every 0.15 from 0 equal to -1 point.

For example,
If there was a car with a length ratio of 1:1.065, a width ratio of 1:1.129, a height ratio of 1:0.903, and a weight ratio of 1:1.145, then the unit score for length would be 0.065, the unit score for width would be 0.129, the unit score for height would be 0.097, and the unit score for weight would be 0.145. Average all unit scores, you get 0.107, meaning that a car like this would get -0.713333333 points deducted, which I would just round to -0.7.

Honorable Mention

BMW M1 Procar by BoganBoganTheMan

The exterior and interior aesthetics are, to be honest, perfect. The rims could be a separate post all on its own. It had a unit score average of 0.113, which is excellent. Where this lost considerable points is the performance. It did boast an accurate 0-60, as well as an accurate top speed, but the turning/handling was actually pretty bad. Considering that the Procar is the racing version of the BMW M1, it should have been a performance beast.

Exterior Aesthetics
- Accuracy: 10/10
- Allure: 15/15

Interior Aesthetics
- Accuracy: 14/15
- Allure: 17/20

- 0-60: 14/15
- 0-60-0: 12/15
- Top speed: 8/10
- Handling/Track Performance Accuracy: 2/10

Score: 102/120 - 0.8



3rd Place

Dodge M45 Turbo Interceptor by TakicraftCorporation

You captured the feel of the car on the front really well! Where you didn't quite get it was the rear. The real car had a sleek rear, but the model that you made seems to end in a kind of chunky fashion. Also, I couldn't find 0-60-0 data on the car, so I just gave you a not-bad 13/15.

Exterior Aesthetics
- Accuracy: 8/10
- Allure: 14/15

Interior Aesthetics
- Accuracy: 14/15
- Allure: 17/20

- 0-60: 12/15
- 0-60-0: 13/15
- Top speed: 8/10
- Handling/Track Performance Accuracy: 9/10

Score: 105/120 - 0.8



2nd Place

Delorean DMC-12 by Destroyerz117

The car is close to perfect. Like I said, 1st and 2nd were both really good, so I had to get really picky. The handling, acceleration, and top speeds are terrible; just like the real thing! The looks are almost identical to the real thing; the three things I could critique were that the rims poke out too much, the rear is a bit tall, and the top speed is actually kinda off (you can control that with an XML value in the wheels called like maxtorque or something, ask someone who is in the know on that).

Edit: according to jamesPLANESii, the XML value is maxAngualrVelocity.

Exterior Aesthetics
- Accuracy: 9/10
- Allure: 15/15

Interior Aesthetics
- Accuracy: 15/15
- Allure: 18/20

- 0-60: 13/15
- 0-60-0: 14/15
- Top speed: 6/10
- Handling/Track Performance Accuracy: 10/10

Score: 110/120 - 0.7



1st Place

Porsche 911 930 RWB by BoganBoganTheMan

This build is truly a marvel. The looks are almost perfect, though the front hood seems a bit too long and too parallel to the ground. It handles just like the real thing, performs just like the real thing, excellent.

Exterior Aesthetics
- Accuracy: 9.5/10
- Allure: 15/15

Interior Aesthetics
- Accuracy: 14/15
- Allure: 20/20

- 0-60: 14/15
- 0-60-0: 14/15
- Top speed: 9/10
- Handling/Track Performance Accuracy: 9/10

Score: 114.5/120 - 0.9


congrats to the winners, thanks to everyone who participated.

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    clapping in the background

    4.4 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @ChiyomiAnzai damn dude chill

    5.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2


    Tag me in an unlisted post and we can discuss how i can get you the moolah

    5.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @ChiyomiAnzai forza mostly

    5.8 years ago
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    @BoganBoganTheMan lol

    5.8 years ago
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    @Destroyerz117 tbh the performance being that accurate was an accident

    5.8 years ago
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    *happiness noise intensify

    5.8 years ago
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    As for the rims sticking out, there wasn't any way to get get them further into the tire without clipping into the wheel, I tried sinking them in further by adding a second wheel witha rpu ded tire style to give the tire an inset middle of sorts.

    5.8 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    @BoganBoganTheMan T'AS GAGNÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ

    5.8 years ago
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    Dag nab it! Was a good run @BoganBoganTheMan GG you scrub.
    As soon as I saw we were being treated for max sure I need I was boned haha I got the acceleration pretty close but the top speed was way off!
    It was a fun challenge! :)

    5.8 years ago
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    You need remember to tag the winners lol

    5.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    Yea I kinda just threw mine together for fun, (not like I only worked on it for an hour XD)

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @jamesPLANESii yeah that, thanks

    5.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @0n33 oof sorry, it had good accuracy, but it just didnt have that 'wow thats pretty" factor to it...

    5.8 years ago
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    maxAngualrVelocity adjusts the maximum wheel speed.

    5.8 years ago
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    5,312 0n33

    Rip my lotus

    5.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @JamesBoA oh shoot letme fix that

    5.8 years ago