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Strange lights below the sea. Has anyone seen this? Or is it just me?

71.5k MintLynx  5.8 years ago

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While trying out this submarine I encountered what looked to be some strange set of glowing lights seemingly at the sea floor around the Krakabola isle. If the picture doesn't quite depict it well enough what it's looked like is some glowing green pillar with some lights around it.

I looked up, and they didn't appear to be a reflection of anything in the air. I saw it again while testing my WIP Scinfaxi, only that time it was far enough away from the isles for there to be no sea floor model. It was the exact same thing! I've yet to catch it up close, since I've only seen it when without a submarine that can dive deep enough.

Has anyone seen anything of the sort?

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    71.5k MintLynx

    @TheMitsuboshiBoi That mystery has been solved for a while.

    5.4 years ago
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    Yes i have?

    5.4 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    @FOXLOVER @Alienbeef0421 Turns out you were both right! Sure enough I encountered those same lights in the air, and a closer look revealed it to indeed be an aircraft!

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    If your AI Air/Ground Traffic is on, chances are, that's a scaled beacon. xD

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    It’s a IA plane with a lot of green beacons

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    @Ariathe I have only seen it twice and not in a row, its appearances were unpredictable.

    The closest mod that it looks anything like is the green line from Advanced targeting (when using bombs), however it appeared when I was using a sub that carried no weaponry, and it doesn't exactly explain the other lights.

    5.8 years ago
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    8,280 Vercynis

    Ok. Just read the instructions and set the water probably around "-1000" and see what’s down there!

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    @ViridiCinis PC, and I'll try that out!

    5.8 years ago
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    1,094 aplayer

    Oh, I see it

    5.8 years ago
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    8,280 Vercynis

    If you are on pc (or Android perhaps, but I’m not sure as to wether it is compatible as well there), I would recommend downloading the "Water level setter" mod, and lowering the level of the water to see if anything is there. @MintLynx

    5.8 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    @WaffleCakes Yet it looked too clean and structure to be a glitch, yet due to how stationary it was it couldn't have been a crashed ai plane. Seems more likely to be a glitch between the two, though a very interesting looking one.

    5.8 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    @WaffleCakes Possible, it didn't appear to move or anything, just sit there.

    5.8 years ago
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    19.7k WaffleCakes

    Haven’t seen it, but chances are it’s just a glitch with the graphics.

    +1 5.8 years ago