7,855 Ariathe

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joined 8.8 years ago

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Branches of Pixie Joint Advancement Industries:

Pixie Aerospace Advancement Company - Specializes in the creation of experimental aviation designs.

Pixie Automobile Company - Specializes in the creation of military and civilian ground vehicles.

Pixie Naval and Pelagic Company - Specializes in the creation of watercraft that can range from casual racing to military use.

Aircraft divisions
XDF - The Experimental Drone Fighter set

XDF [P] - The Phantom series (Subdivision of XDF aircraft)
XDF [S] - The Spirit series (Subdivision of XDF aircraft)
XDF [XX] - Highly classified aircraft, only for testing purposes. All of these aircraft are marked with a red stripe on the left wing.
Note: All aircraft in these sets are unmanned.

XMA - Experimental Multirole Aircraft

XFA - Experimental Fighter Aircraft

XAA - Experimental Attacker Aircraft (No aircraft yet)

MSXA - Massive Scale Experimental Attacker

Watercraft divisions (Currently sorting)
XRC - Experimental Race Craft (No assigned watercraft yet)

More coming soon

Vehicle divisions

No current divisions for vehicles