As of an hour prior, all advancements towards Ostpreußen's freefall ordinance development has been halted via request of Lord Regan Lude, primarily to do with the development and testing of a new, and absurdly large piece of ordinance.
A modified P.008a-4e carrying 2 super massive (non-nuclear) bomb, an explosive mass of nearly 7000 kilograms.
The result of the first of two tests was utterly terrifying...
"...why would we need such ordinance?" Lord Gregorio König Meier is reported to of said in his banquette home after hearing reports of the testing, and requested his fellow Lord recall such usage of unnecessarily powerful weapons that could cause unneeded injury and damage to civilians and their residencies.
As of this moment, plans for mounting such a weapon, or any similar over 2,500kg, has been permanently shelved, while Queen Linnéa Olsson has requested that other like-minded nations do the same in regards of their heavy ordinance.