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Guide to Useful Mods

8,280 Vercynis  5.7 years ago

A feature that I wish would be added is the ability to "favorite" a mod or a forum post, because they can be very useful for a variety of things.

I'm creating this post as a way to not only share what mods (and forum posts) are useful, but also so I can easily access them.

If you have any mods or forum posts which you believe are very useful, don't hesitate to comment it.



Mod Settings

- Author: HellFireKoder
- Description: This mod is very important because it is necessary or can enhance many other awesome mods (some of which are on this list).
- Type: Other
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android
- Requires Mod Settings? Well... um...


- Author: WNP78
- Description: The Overload mod is possibly the most useful mod ever. It allows you to XML mod parts from within the editor, which is significantly more efficient than having to switch back and forth between SimplePlanes and your locallow files. P.S. If you are a user that for some reason can't get his and/or can't mod, check this out
- Type: Designer Tool
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android, Steam Workshop
- Requires Mod Settings? No (but still has optional options with it)

Fine Tuner

- Author: HellFireKoder
- Description: While the primary use of this mod (to nudge parts) is no longer useful due to the more recently added feature in SP that implements this, this still has many uses. The 2 primary ones are to scale multiple parts at once (both with our without scaling the weight, engine exhaust, and etc...). The other very very useful use is to go into multi-select mod to make any parts standing in your way temporarily invisible and un-selectable. This lets you reach parts inside your plane with ease. Additionally, you can use this feature to show the inside of your plane in your screenshots.
- Type: Designer Tool
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android, Steam Workshop
- Requires Mod Settings? No


- Author: WNP78
- Description: This new mod has made building replicas pretty much 100 times easier. This allows you to add an image to your designer (this is one of the mutliple features it has). Just upload a blueprint from the internet (or even one you made) and easily build over it. Even making non-replicas can be made easier with this as you get inspired about basic plane structure to build your fictional craft. Also, it has a very useful connection editing tool.
- Type: Designer Tool
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android
- Requires Mod Settings? No

Color Editor

- Author: WNP78 (yup, again)
- Description: The Color Editor mod allows you to customize colors beyond choosing it off of a scale. Alike the overload mod, it allows you to do stuff that is normally done in XML modding. This mod allows you customize color to the extend of visible light thanks to the "RGB" functions which allows you to choose a very specific color. Additionally, you can modify "smoothness" and "metalicness", so that the reflection can go beyond "flat", "semi-gross", and "gross".
- Type: Designer Tool
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android, Steam Workshop
- Requires Mod Settings? No


- Author: WNP78 (sights)
- Description: The designer setting allows you to do many useful things. As said in its description: "1. Sort aircraft by recently modified 2. Change background color 3. Change maximum zoom distance 4. Change camera field of view".
- Type: Designer Tool
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android
- Requires Mod Settings? Yes

Upload with Screenshots

- Author: CarnationRED
- Description: While I have never been able to use this due to a rare bug, it should work for most of you. This mod is very useful as it allows you to post planes with in-game screenshots of your craft.
- Type: Other
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android, Source Code
- Requires Mod Settings? No

Designer Button

- Author: 14ROVI & WNP78
- Description: This is just a neat way to get to building slightly faster.
- Type: Other
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android, Steam Workshop
- Requires Mod Settings? No

Forum Posts:


SimpleCheats - a slightly comprehensive guide

  • Author: WNP78
  • Description: The has a link to a google docs that has a chart of pretty much every possible XML attribute in the game and a few other useful tips.

Markdown Formatting test/explanations

  • Author: Skua
  • Description: This tells you how to do every type of formatting on

The Ultimate Guide to Editing XML

  • Author: AV8R
  • Description: A guide to XML modding

Guide to Useful Mods

  • Author: ViridiCinis (Awesome user ;-P)
  • Description: Not much explanation needed. X-D

I hope that these will help you out. The following are mods and forums I think are cool but not as important as the above ones.


Not Indispensable:

SimplePlanes Multiplayer

- Author: HellFireKoder & UnstableOrbit
- Description: This allows you to play online with other players online. Creating a server is not the easiest thing, but once you have it, it's worth it.
- Type: Other
- Compability: PC/Mac
- Requires Mod Settings? No

Advanced Rendering

- Author: mushr0om
- Description: This makes the quality of the terrain/sky/lighting significantly better. This might however slow down slow computers,
- Type: Other
- Compability: PC/Mac
- Requires Mod Settings? Yes

Water Level Setter

- Author: WNP78
- Description: Let's you lower/elevate the water of the water. Just fun to play around with and see what it looks like under water (either emptiness, or you can see the square base of terrains).
- Type: Other
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android
- Requires Mod Settings? No

Underwater Camera

- Author: WNP78 & Gestour
- Description: Lets you see underwater.
- Type: Other
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android, Steam Workshop
- Requires Mod Settings? No

Advanced Targeting

- Author: WNP78
- Description: This is a very awesome mod that adds targeting systems for guns and dumb bombs. There is a small circle that lets you know where to fire to hit the target with guns, and a line that indicates the path and landing location of bombs. What is the most impressive is that it takes every option into account. As much as you try to XML mod the guns and bombs, it will still accurately guide you flawlessly.
- Type: Other
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android, Steam Workshop
- Requires Mod Settings? No (but optional options are available)

Smoke Trails

- Author: NathanMikeska
- Description: This adds a smoke trail part that releases a smoke trail of a customized color upon activating the assigned Activation Group. Pretty cool. Has tons of configurations.
- Type: Part
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android, Steam Workshop, Source Code
- Requires Mod Settings? No

Weapon Bay Fuselage

- Author: Adiarka454
- Description: This adds 3 different shaped bomb bays. Really neat to build bombers, missile trucks, concealed turrets, and more.
- Type: Part
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android
- Requires Mod Settings? No


- Description: This adds a type of wing with some advanced special physics which I will pretend to fully understand.
- Type: Part
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android
- Requires Mod Settings? No


- Description: This adds a meter yardstick in the designer for easy life-comparison scaling.
- Type: Designer Background
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android
- Requires Mod Settings? No

Crash Enhancer

- Author: Gestour
- Description: This mod adds small parts that you can add to increase crashing effect. Additionally, one of them ignites on AG6.
- Type: Part
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android
- Requires Mod Settings? No

Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System

- Author: Name
- Description: This adds a large over-water highway connecting all the main islands on the official sandbox map. Useful to find any islands you have not yet found.
- Type: Map Plugin
- Compability: PC/Mac, Steam Workshop
- Requires Mod Settings? No


- Author: WNP78
- Description: This adds 3 different types of nuclear bombs. It's quite satisfying to use, especially on convoys or on mayware, and above all, on @BlackhattAircraft's FA planes!!!
- Type: Part
- Compability: PC/Mac, Android
- Requires Mod Settings? No (Overload adds customization though)

Happy mod testing!!!


Francene Island

  • Author: ViridiCinis
  • Planned for probably around a week.
  • Screenshots:

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  • Profile image
    8,280 Vercynis

    Lol, it can be useful to improve. Glad you find it useful. @Mmdben

    5.7 years ago
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    3,804 Mmdben

    This is the Post every noob like me should Know.

    +1 5.7 years ago
  • Profile image
    8,280 Vercynis

    Problem c'est que j'ai IOS, pas android. @WarHawk95

    5.7 years ago
  • Profile image
    8,280 Vercynis

    Et d’accore pour Unity remote. J’essayerez aussi.@WarHawk95

    5.7 years ago
  • Profile image
    8,280 Vercynis

    Je pensait que tu pouvais faire tout ce qu’il y a dans X-ray par Fine Tuner. Je me trompe? Ci oui, je l'essayerez ASAP. @WarHawk95

    5.7 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    @ViridiCinis je pense que pour les mods Android tu peux utiliser Unity remote

    5.7 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    C'est super utile et même indispensable

    5.7 years ago
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    8,280 Vercynis

    I’m not sure what to do about android. IDK how to test it... if you have any ideas. Also, I have been unable to use my pc since yesterday due to a minor issue but I will test rigid body ASAP. @OrangeBoardEnterprise

    5.7 years ago
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    8,280 Vercynis

    Lol, it’s kind of old. @destroyerP

    5.7 years ago
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    29.2k destroyerP

    Didn’t know yardstick mod exist xD

    5.7 years ago
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    Is ur mod android? And did rigid body work?

    5.7 years ago
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    8,280 Vercynis

    I just checked it out (on the website). From the screen shots, it seems awesome. I’ll test it and will very likely add it. And while we have a mod maker, could you possibly help me with this? If so, thanks. @DuckMint

    5.7 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp

    Froken World? 🙃

    5.7 years ago
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    8,280 Vercynis

    Thanks. @Zoomzoom999

    5.7 years ago
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    5.7 years ago
  • Profile image
    8,280 Vercynis

    Cool. I'll check it out ASAP and might add it. Thanks!!!

    5.7 years ago
  • Profile image
    7,271 Roswell

    X-Ray mod is good way to figure out how stuff works and it's very underrated

    5.7 years ago
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    8,280 Vercynis

    Lol same. @JamesBoA

    5.7 years ago
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    The island looks amazing!

    5.7 years ago
  • Profile image
    8,280 Vercynis


    5.7 years ago