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[SLRP] International plea for peacekeeping

41.5k MrVaultech  5.8 years ago

As of hearing of another war started between Halcyon and several other countries I can't quite recall, the Ostpreußen Monarchs have sent an international plea for a more permanent treaty to be signed to end the new current war, as well as set up limitations to prevent further irritating wars.

Breaking the 4th wall, I'm saying this so we won't have a repeat of Squirrel telling everyone off after that whole debacle between two vocal membera of SLRP, which ended with a temp ban for at least 1 user.

As of the moment, I request the other moderators back me up on this decision in creating my so-called "Treaty of Königsberg", as the debate of articles/amendments to be added will be discussed there, and finally signed by all parties present as a contract to follow the guidelines set via the Treaty.

As of this moment, with continuing complaints about frequent warcrime accusations being thrown freely about with no actual evidence and the useage of aggressively large freefall bombs, I wish to define ways of starting wars in a organized manner so some freshly formed country doesn't get chopped up by some superpower, but hopefully in such a way that a power vacuum doesn't form for a stronger nation to usurp the Treaty at a later date, while also preventing war-hungry nations from ruining the entire experience for everyone.

Lastly, I wish to see an organization set up, a UN for the whole RP, to oversee/make sure this Treaty stays regulated. Everyone will have a single valid vote in international incidents brought to this new UN-like council regardless of size or power.

Here are several points of mine that will be debated down below;

-A war declaration cannot, and will not, be made on an unsuspecting nation without a plausible claim or reason.
If a plausible claim is not found via council members to be as it says, then the declaration can be thrown out by a second vote.

-The accusations of warcrimes cannot be used via any country during any form of conflict, only being a viable claim after all is said and done and every action has been carefully detailed by unbiased 3rd parties.
If the 3rd party deems the action(s) a warcrime according to the existing Geneva (and similar) Conventions, then appropriate consequences for those actions will be made.

-A call to reduce standing armies of all nations over 1.5 million standing soldiers in all branches.
As controversial as this sounds, I've heard reports of some nations having upwards of 400 million registered active soldiers in their militaries, which not only is it logistically impossible to support such an army without support from the collective help of an entire planet, but really unfair to smaller nations that would just be crushed by overwhelming numbers, even if they somehow had significantly superior weapons and defensive bonuses.

Requested additions;

"Chemical weapons are a no go, and permanent blindness weapons as well, along with orbital defense weapons."

"With mention that that, I feel an addition to the active army limitation amendment needs a clause limiting peacetime/wartime active soldiers to more reasonable amounts, but having no limit on near-military trained reserve personnel and paramilitary units."

"Nuclear artillery, because ww3 could happen if it was used"
(this one is unlikely to be implemented since Nuclear Artillery has gone the way of riveted armor on tanks)

Added by request;
“Space forces with orbital weapons are literally impossible, they would eat national funds within months, require lots of maintenance and belongs in Star Wars not this roleplay. If it is not possible or logical now. Why in RP?”"

"I also want to suggest to limit the usage of weapon of mass destruction such as nuclear weapon only for mutual assured destruction."

"I would suggest the limitation of all orbital weapons stations, such as lasers and kinetic rods because not only could they be possibly overpowered (wherein a nation could inflate it's capabilities out of proportions), they could also be used indiscriminately against civilian targets in the same way as some use nuclear weapons.
They are also quite expensive to operate, maintain and at times, impossible to get into orbit as I've seen someone claiming that they were on the works to have an OWS which drops 2000 ton tungsten carbide projectiles"

Current signers;
-HarrisCraft (Revoked signing)

As of the moment, these are the ones that I find most agregious personal complaints after a bit of digging through SLRP nations, and to just keep the peace and prevent this wholesome collection of like-minded nations from devolving into Germanic City-states during the 1600's, I'd wish to see a civil conversation of my recommendations.

-MrVaultech, SLRP Moderators

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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Council membership will be better explained during the Königsberg Convention, but I appreciate the initiative.

    5.7 years ago
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    Eternistan Federation will sign the treaty and also register for the permanent member in the security council

    5.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    you ask me m8, I'm not you

    5.7 years ago
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    its not a missile its a ten ton rod @MrVaultech

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    What you're suggesting is literally just an ICBM...
    Now go run along elsewhere while the adults work.

    5.8 years ago
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    it was not 2000 tons its ten @MrVaultech

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    At this point in the treaty process, it doesn't matter per-se if you've signed or not.
    For the time, you're more than welcome to criticize the articles in the Königsberg Treaty and Convention, but don't forget about the big guys who've signed...

    5.8 years ago
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    I refuse to sign for banning the weapon I spent trillions of dollars on and for the false claims of my orbital bombardment systems specs.

    5.8 years ago
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    the orbital bombardment is possible to get into orbit with rockets already made(energia rocket with 100 tons to Leo ) and ones made in the near future (falcon super heavy at 100 tons too )

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    No probs.

    5.8 years ago
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    4,622 Bman01

    Ok much better now thanks @MrVaultech

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    but it's slightly funny with that added

    5.8 years ago
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    4,622 Bman01

    Just remove the words can my quote be@MrVaultech

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    What I just added or what was there before?

    5.8 years ago
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    4,622 Bman01

    Get rid of can my quote be? Thanks@MrVaultech

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Take a look now.

    5.8 years ago
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    4,622 Bman01

    Can my quote be “Space forces with orbital weapons are literally impossible, they would eat national funds within months, require lots of maintenance and belongs in Star Wars not this roleplay. If it is not possible or logical now. Why in RP?”

    5.8 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    My suggestion didn't make it

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Its definetly something that'll go into the finalized Königsberg Treaty,
    so I'll add your name to this. @QuantausAviation

    5.8 years ago
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    I shall sing this treaty.
    I shall also suggest that space is for peaceful purposes only. otherwise conflicts could go like "hurR DUrrr I orbitally bombard you I win hURR DuRr"

    +2 5.8 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    Ogilvilia officials have agreed to sign this after reading the texts stated above.
    "Signs papers"

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Lovely, glad you still wish to stay with the Königsberg Treaty.
    I'll be sure to add you again.

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Fun fact; reading the first line of one of the ammendments doesn't mean you know everything about the treaty.
    If you read a bit more, you would of learned of the virtually unlimited cap on reserve troops and paramilitary that any nation could have during peacetime and wartime, and the wartime cap would be removed inna case of Total War.

    5.8 years ago
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    10.2k SuperSix

    Great they both pulled out. @JamesBleriot

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I'd be best just to not have a blockade to begin with.

    5.8 years ago
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