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38.8k ZetaAvalon  5.8 years ago


Binomial name:
Homo sapiens
Conservation status:
Least concern

Small info about the Humans

Humans, or human beings, are bipedal primates belonging to the mammalian species Homo sapiens (Latin for "wise man" or "knowing man") under the family Hominidae (the great apes). Humans have a highly developed brain capable of abstract reasoning, language and introspection. This, combined with an erect body carriage that frees their upper limbs for manipulating objects, has allowed humans to make greater use of tools than any other species.

Complex primates: Like most primates, humans are by nature social. However, humans are particularly adept at utilizing systems of communication for self-expression and the exchange of ideas. Humans create complex social structures composed of co-operating and competing groups, ranging in scale from nations to individual families, and social interaction between humans has established a variety of traditions, rituals, ethics, values, social norms, and laws which form the basis of human society. Humans also have a marked appreciation for beauty and aesthetics which, combined with the human desire for self-expression, has led to cultural innovations such as art, literature and music.

Curious animals: Humans are also noted for their desire to understand and influence the world around them, seeking to explain and manipulate natural phenomena through science, religion, philosophy and mythology. This natural curiosity has led to the development of advanced tools and skills; humans are the only known species to build fires, cook their food, clothe themselves, and use numerous other technologies.

Although humans appear relatively hairless compared to other primates, with notable hair growth occurring chiefly on the top of the head, underarms and pubic area, the average human has more hair on his or her body than the average chimpanzee. The main distinction is that human hairs are shorter, finer, and less colored than the average chimpanzee's, thus making them harder to see.

The capacity for humans to share ideas is unrivaled in known species. The faculty of speech is a defining feature of humanity, possibly predating phylogenetic separation of the modern population. Language is central to the communication between humans, as well as being central to the sense of identity that unites nations, cultures and ethnic groups.

The invention of writing systems around 5000 years ago allowed the preservation of language on material objects, and was a major step in cultural evolution. Language is closely tied to ritual and religion.

The dream of flying is as old as mankind itself. However, the concept of the airplane has only been around for two centuries. Before that time, men and women tried to navigate the air by imitating the birds. They built wings to strap onto their arm or machines with flapping wings called ornithopters. On the surface, it seemed like a good plan. After all, there are plenty of birds in the air to show that the concept does work.

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    H O M O

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    Dude, these things are parsites, as an F-86 I should know

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    Just now noticed that ylu were only jere for 5 months and is 13000 points ahead of me.... :(

    5.8 years ago
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    16.1k DisferGoatz

    Now I can bewilder my fellow primates by calling myself a

    Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primate Haplorhini Simiiformes Hominidae Homininae Hominini Homo Sapien

    +2 5.8 years ago
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    121k belugasub

    I personally am a Young platinum

    +2 5.8 years ago
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    Does this mean everyone is homo

    +3 5.8 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    @CrashFighter05 oh damn.

    5.8 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    none of this applies to me.

    +1 5.8 years ago