An Airliner attempts to crash into white house
They have successfully take down the airliner but the remnants of the plane successfully hits the Whitehouse 280 passengers died from the crash no survivors and other 120 on the white house
They are now currently investigating if this is an terrorist attack or a stupid assassination to the president.
Another 5 airliners gone missing...
The last place they were still detected by radar was in south china sea. The erebus has dispatched 15 coast guards and 2 exploration submarines to look for the airliners if they have crashed..
@ChiyomiAnzai no kappa
Your entire military and security-defence branch is a joke
@Strikefighter04 don't worry, it's just the tactics.
I'm keeping the watchlists for myself as of now
I wouldn't recommend it, some might consider it a threat. @DeidaraEnterprises
@Strikefighter04 i have a list of those, might declassify it next week if i felt the need to
Good to know. Every country should have an attack plan against everyone else, just in case. @DeidaraEnterprises
@Strikefighter04 could be bigger, but basically....
An attack? @DeidaraEnterprises
@Strikefighter04 i can give him one if he really asked for it by the way...
Watch it, saying stuff like that can get you in trouble. @HarrisCraft
@HarrisCraft i swear to god, don't you dare
Definitely not me