It's been announced via the Ostpreußen News Network that a public demonstration of the newest advanced MBT a available to the Heer; the P.020a-128m, as well as a small variety of new technology.
The public demonstration will take place around Vamlingbo in Southern Gotland, with a follow-up parade that will move from Vamlinhbo to Lärbro.
As of the moment, Lord Meier is going to be at the event, and most any leader or weapons expert is welcome to come and spectate.
It's requested that any weapons for the event be withheld, unless you find it necessary to have a personal guard for attendees, just for safety of anyone attending the event.
The demonstration of the P.020a-128m, with appearances of the P.007d-128m and P.007c(U)-50m, will be Friday 7th, this Friday.
I think I'm getting better at masquerading my teasers as anything but
Ooooh, a military exhibition....
opens list of equipments
Secretary: So ma'am, which one do you want to show there?
Me: slams book E V E R Y T H I N G
Uber J A