According to TheFantasticTyphoon and several accounts, SMC Industries has been performing flights at night with Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. This is an unauthorized activity.
All Companies must request permission to carry out tests within Warburg Airspace.
"We are getting unconfirmed reports that Lockheed F-104 Starfighter aircraft have been spotted flying from NovrdLisch Aerodrome, owned by SMC Industries. Accounts say the Starfighter's were flying at night at high speed and altitude for a duration of 230 minutes. The purpose of these flights are as yet unknown, and we shall continue to follow this story closely as it develops."
@Jim1the1Squid ah ok
Over Warburg, you must request permission.
@Jim1the1Squid sir I was under the impression that companies had unlimited airspace
@Jim1the1Squid nyet.
Yes da is yes in Russian
Do you speak English?
Da comrade.
@Jim1the1Squid ok, we will try to avoid it anyway.
If you want to carry out tests in Warburg Airspace, you just need to request permission.
Wright tech will no longer be carrying out experiments in warburg airspace.
We hope our actions caused no dangerous results for the military and citizens alike.
We have not been testing planes or jets though.
Our company will keep experiments to our own airspace.
Wright Company is a Relarian owned company so tests are performed in Relarian@Jim1the1Squid
@Jim1the1Squid Ok then.
For future reference NovrdLisch is not in Warburg airspace.
Yes, especially in the top-secret zones.
I assume this only applies in Warburg airspace?