[SLRP] Reichsland (I know many of you hate RP, but at least check out the post, I put some effort into it)
7,116 Bearclaw189
5.7 years ago
I literally just noticed that@GeneralOliverVonBismarck
Well dang@HarrisCraft
@Bearclaw189 He’s not even in the server
@Bearclaw189 ah ok
Alright so PSP was ok with Esternia annexing half of it. However Halycon annexed the other part against his will@CptJacobson
@Bearclaw189 what he do
Well, you ready to go to war with Hayclon?@CptJacobson
@Bearclaw189 yeah that's because Trollium has to add me to it still
I don’t see you on the map@CptJacobson
@Bearclaw189 CF wants to extend a Alliance we own Green Land and Iceland along with Egypt and Brazil
im likely going to buy a new one and it wont be a Mac like my old one @MrVaultech
No worries, you've got plenty of time to get a new computer worked on and replaced and all that.
ok I am my computer just died and we have to wait to get a new one as im in the process of moving @MrVaultech
As long as you're in the server, you'll be alright.
oh @MrVaultech I will not be on discord for a bit until I can get a new computer
There’s tons of free space in Africa and South America , check the map before you claim land@Bearclaw189
I can provide you a link to the SLRP Discird server, but we'll have to discuss a bit about your territory, since I want to say almost all of Europe is clamed by a large number of countries, and India by another.
I bought a TON from SL, but i’ll look@PositivePlanes
You can come live in Reichsland, also where is your country and who is occupying it?@PositivePlanes
Yes, that is excellent. And yes, although I don't use it. You'll have to ask @MrVaultech for a link. @Bearclaw189
Also, I automatically allied you is that ok? I also gave you a military base in India, question number two is there an active RP discord?
Oh ok. @Bearclaw189