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Human stupidity amuses me.

126k AWESOMENESS360  5.7 years ago

"Commercial planes are not designed to be safe, but designed to be money making machines."


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    How can flying in a miniature plane be safer?

    4.7 years ago
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    6,361 Aeromotive

    Boeing: I'm in danger

    5.6 years ago
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    669 Jerba

    One, metal is much stronger than plastic, two, commercial planes are not hypermanuvable, making them much safer, and last, your always in/with a commercial plane, with rc, It’s hard to see it if your plane matches the sky, and you could just lose track of it. That’s my reasons atm of why this guy is an actual idiot. Also, your can’t fit in an rc plane.

    5.6 years ago
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    6,965 Falconhawk

    it's not unsafe it's Surprise Mechanics

    +3 5.6 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    @Destroyerz117 lmao

    5.6 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    the frick
    I mean he is not wrong about the money-making part. As for the "Not designed to be safe" part, I would wholeheartedly disagree, planes are designed to be safe, and flying is by far, the safest method of transportation, and if a plane is unsafe, why would Airlines keep them operating?

    5.6 years ago
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    @TheFantasticTyphoon oh lol

    5.6 years ago
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    40.4k Typhoon03

    @MrSilverWolf IT WAS A JOKE!!!
    But what you're saying is definitely true.

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    @CruzerBlade @TheFantasticTyphoon not true, the media portrays it as such and that’s just not right, the real issue that should be talked about but isn’t is crew training and hour requirements in other countries, 240 hours is all you need in other countries, in the US its 1,500 hours, I could go on forever about all the other things on this

    +2 5.6 years ago
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    yes we should make our planes out of styrofoam just like the some of the cheap rc planes you can get from the store

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    Damn son

    This is why i thinking about founding a new state on a tiny island. And people will need above 100 IQ for the nationality or something like that...

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    @belugasub Just put a good pilot in it. It's unsafe because of the pilot. Most crashes are pilot error

    5.6 years ago
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    That guys needs a life.

    5.6 years ago
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    40.4k Typhoon03

    @exosuit It was a joke.

    5.6 years ago
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    38.2k V

    Hes still smarter than achu tmm

    5.6 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @TheFantasticTyphoon you aren't making any money when all your planes crashed
    Think about that for a second

    5.6 years ago
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    40.4k Typhoon03

    By commercial I assume he means airliner.
    By airliner I assume he means the most common, the 737.
    By 737 I assume he means 737 MAX.
    By 737 MAX I assume he means massive fireball that kills everyone on board.
    This means he's right.

    +4 5.6 years ago
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    A safe commercial plane brings you even more profit than a flawed & dangerous one.

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    @CruzerBlade lol

    5.6 years ago
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    13.2k CruzerBlade

    "Commercial planes are not designed to be safe, but designed to be money making machines."
    737 max in a nutshell

    +8 5.6 years ago
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    @Squirrel very good point

    5.7 years ago
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    @BogdanX that has to be one of the most unfortunate RC mishaps I've ever seen, I feel so bad for the pilot. You could even see him face palm at the end, R.I.P Saab Gripen.

    5.7 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    In order to be a money making machine, you need to be safe.
    Cuz you can't earn enough from tickets to pay for the compensations, not to mention deaths would impact your boarding pass sales greatly.

    +4 5.7 years ago
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    10.2k SuperSix

    Obviously doesn’t know what he’s talking about...

    5.7 years ago
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    11.6k shipster

    I’m ashamed to be the same species as the person who wrote that

    5.7 years ago
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