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The Aerospace Elektrik story

364 ThunderLockheed  5.6 years ago

Today I’m going to tell you the story about the Aerospace Elektrik , the three brothers of delta wing, a sad and a happy story at the same time.
Let me introduce you a little bit about where , how, when and why (Please note that everything is fictional and if I choose some countries is because it makes it more comprehensible to things happen):

It all started at 2044 when the Islamic Union decided to cut almost every reserve of oil due to the lack of oil in his countries, since the last two countries that depended mostly on oil where the Southern States Of America and Northern States Of America ( yes , they got separated after te universal gun laws approved by the UN , that was so controversial that it ripped US in half ) and The Democratic Republic Of China, all the other world was partially or completely running on Fusion reactors or green energy(except Islamic union of course). (Eg: India , European Union, Russia , Japan, Argentina, UK, 85% of African countries (most of Africa was devastated after the Kilimanjaro explosion).

After a few months of tension between all this countries , The Southern States declared war too the Islamic union , sending some troops to the border an sharing some shots.
Then the UN told The SSA to hold back and make it to the legal way , but SSA decided to continue so the European decided to take part of the war defending the IU, so the Northern States , declares the war against EU and IU, invading UE without problems and taking most of the armies using tons of bombs and devastating cities entirely .
Then Russia concerned about commerce and scared of being invaded (hahahahaha that’s cute but anyways it had some weak years ) provides troops and support to EU countries .
In the middle of everything, with the UE desperated to solve the problem and being unable to defend himself , they started a project between some corporations that involved Tanks , boats , new armament capable of countering the “zaps”( this is a semi magnetic cannon used by the SSA and NSA at long range to send superbombs to devastate places or ships) , and specially a plane that could counter the T-Raptor the new superjet created by this American countries.
Meanwhile China decides no invade some Asian Countries that are allies of the Islamic union or form part of the IU. India prepares for war.
New Chinese jets appear on the battlefield , they are pretty expendable but being made in mass production makes something unstoppable know as “The hive “.
Returning to Europe the well known Corporation called LDI(Liga de Ingenieros ) in English Engineers League , created by Elektrik , the engineer that finally made fusion reaction possible and made Tesla electricity capable of transmitting like a radio wave , took the lead of the new plane capable of countering all these jets.
After too many researches it was decided to create a delta wing capable of carrying cleavers and a “Nexus cell” for propulsion. The projects starts on June of 2045.
As war continues the borders calm down and Europe border starts at half France and Germany all the way to Poland . North of Spain somehow leads to survive due to LDI Research installation ( this was where the LDI was working on his new aircraft design , there North of Spain is a truly fortification even for American countries )
China stops in India , Mongolia gets invade , Vietnam no more exists , Japan is somehow untouched , some countries finished on “-stan get half invaded “ Thailand allies with China , North Korea threads to blast himself with nuclear bombs if it gets invaded.

After one year the first LDI design comes true
called the Century Aerospace Elektrik(, capable of going to space and dive to use a thermobaric bomb capable of erase a while Aircraft carrier.
Soon the plans were sent to the Rheinmetall facilities at Peenemunde .
Soon they encounter some problems with speed , resistance and armament reliability,
partially fixed , they start the mass production.
2 months later this beats appear on the Ruhr,
Blasting NSA troops aircrafts and some ships located on west coast of France.
The EU starts retrieving land but the efforts cost to many people and money , also the new leopards called König-Panthers makes for the enemy troops to reach the designated point , but still no enough units to counter countless enemy tanks and ships. The front maintains like that on Europe .
At Asia the SSA finally reaches Saudi Arabia, they found that oil reserves has been blown up and consumed , they decide to blast La Meca and invade the whole country , next country is Iran.
China start invading Russian outposts, Russia send troops , but “hive “ is a big problem.
Russia demands to the UE to create a new plane design to counter the Chinese hives.

This is the first part of the Story if people
Is interested I will add maps images and countinue with the eastern front.

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    Ohhh thanks @Jim1the1Squid I have been creating designs that last 3 years , but never entered the forum, recently I also went into Reddit and I guess I got inspiration to create a story , dunno maybe I continue the story, about the other design I have created about a year ago.

    5.6 years ago
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    A little gift, one that you have been lacking for the past 3.1 years: your first upvote.

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    I'm guessing you're not yet in the slurp?

    +1 5.6 years ago