364 ThunderLockheed

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joined 9.1 years ago

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I’m just a simple engineer that likes to design his own creations, then try to make it in the game.

I build my aircrafts based on a fictional story that I posted on the forum ;
The most important designs are the
-Century Aerospace Elektrik
-Airforce Aerospace Elektrik (class super )
-Bucanner, WW2 based piston engine (from WW2 flasbacks )
-Atlas Aerospace Elektrik [WIP]

I do also have some technical stuff like :
-vectorial thrusting
-complex landing gears
-Variable geometry wings
- AAA defence
-VTOL capabilities
-Mechanic stabilisers
-Tactic armament

I will be adding all the stuff once I’m finished the story about my planes, but for the moment vectorial thrusting will be the only feature.