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Rework the Prop Overspeed system

23.4k marcox43  5.5 years ago

in short words, it is completely hilarious that an engine expldoes because the engine exceeded the RPM limit by 1RPM, ex: engine has limiter at 2600RPM but explodes because it goes to 2601RPM.
Normal engines have a tolerance of +/-50RPM. as example, the BMW801 goes at full throttle at 2200-2400RPM, redline is 3000RPM. the whole range 0-3000RPM is specified because that's the max safe RPM the engine can go.
in SP you set the literal max RPM and that's all, when in reality, you should set the desired RPM, set the overspeed range (varies from 600-2000RPM depending on the engine) and the assured engine destruction limit.
Very simple:
MaxRPM: 2600
Overspeed RPM: 600RPM
Redline: 3200RPM
at redline, the engine can simply cut injection and keep bouncing in a +/-50RPM around 3200RPM. if by sheer force the engine overspeed from there, it will suffer medium damage but will still work for a period of time. especially radial engines.

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    I'm about to make a new suggestion post about this but in regards to heli rotors. This is a need with them. My gyrocopters keep spinning their blades off and it sucks.

    1.8 years ago
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    15.9k Stormfur

    I feel that there is more important things like improving the map and improving the crappy AI

    5.5 years ago
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    uhm hello I've been suggesting disableMaxRPMs for awhile now
    but being able to play with RPMs more would be epic

    +13 5.5 years ago
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    I agree with this. It's stupid that the engine blows up at one RPM over the limit.

    5.5 years ago