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Teki no Kichi

111k hpgbproductions  5.4 years ago
Version 1.1 Map

Android version, SP 1.8.x and before only
The SP website seems to have hidden it for some reason.
Might be V1.0 or V1.1 idk

Free Flight update!
- [Addition] Added sandbox map versions of each level, for people who like to fly under maps and see the "custom targets" in all their glory
- [Fix?] Fixed laggy hidden objects in Mission 0c
- [Fix] Fixed incorrect start message in Mission 0c
- [Fix] Removed extra missile launchers that shouldn't be spawned in Mission 6

Calling aircraft manufacturers and pilot teams to enter the UNPF SAFE (Suppression of Aggressive Forces Event)! Send an existing or new aircraft design to take part in the missions. The aircraft must fulfil a heavy attack role. The missions will have a balance of simulation and all-out action.

Q: What is SAFE?
It is a semi-regular program hosted by the Neo United Nations Peacekeeping Forces to:
- Control the separatist presence around the world
- Advance the technology and economy of the united world bloc
- Provide a rare opportunity to test machines in the most realistic environment
- Allow manufacturers and pilots to gain recognition

It is important to note that the enemy has many ships, SAMs, and CIWS systems. If you choose to fly exclusively with Infernos, missions may take 20-30+ of them.

Aircraft Suggestions:
- Fully realistic handling planes may not be suitable
- Modern (Gen. 4-5) to moderately futuristic
- Air-to-ground capabilities, but take air-to-air in mind
- High weapon capacity and high-damage guns
- Quick-locking (~1 second) and quick-firing (~4/second) missiles
- Carrier operations (takeoff) capable
- Fast (>Mach 1?) and manouverable

Suggested aircraft rank: Any
Canonical aircraft rank: II-IV

[Benchmark aircraft] ASF-133P(A) Config-SH
High-speed and high weapons capacity attacker - twice as many missiles than the original configuration. The main tester aircraft for late missions. Difficulty=Easy/Normal (1-2/5)

[Benchmark aircraft] ASF-119 Torrent
Medium-speed and medium weapons capacity attacker. The main tester aircraft for early/mid missions. Difficulty=Very Hard (4/5)

[Benchmark aircraft] AQXF-01 AVIAROID
Ultra high manouverability drone, but at the (canonical) cost of no hardpoints. Difficulty=Very Hard (4/5)

This year's SAFE

Imgur album of mission maps because may obscure the images partially
Terrain data source locations
Units list for missions 1-6 so you can see how many enemies you defeated after playing
CIWS destroyer and missile boat (this link has died)

A separatist force controls the most desolate parts of Northern Russia. We have received intel that they are almost done repairing the laser tower "Polemouth" from the previous event at the location, and are also testing a new communications device. The core goals of this event are to keep the "Polemouth" disabled, and capture their new powerful transmission technology.

Allied naval forces attached to this mission, none of which we are to lose:
10x DESTROYER (11x counting UNS Ikenai Borderline, which only appears in the qualifiers)
[ Basically, any ship tagged UNS is friendly ]

Note: Non-interactive objects may not be included in the mission maps.

[ Mission 0a ] Before your team can take part in SAFE, you must show the judges your pilot's skills, and the performance of your aircraft. Take on three timed challenges at the outpost airfield in Chaunskaya Bay to show your team's worth. In the first qualifier you must destroy eight(8) SPAA's in 150 seconds.

[ Mission 0b ] To prove your team's success wasn't because of the lack of resistance, destroy the target ships firing live rounds in 150 seconds. Remember, you have signed an exclusion of responsibility agreement.

[ Mission 0c ] High Command has issued a warning that there may be enemy fighters in the combat area. As such, air-to-air capabilities will now be considered. Destroy four(4) drones in 150 seconds.

[ Mission 1 ] Our combat strategists have determined a path of least resistance through the Lyakhovsky Islands. Destroy anti-ship missile launchers to clear a path for our support fleet.

[ Mission 2 ] According to intelligence, there is an enemy weapons factory and base upstream of the Olenyok River. You are to assist the naval combat team by destroying enemy ships in the area.

[ Mission 3a ] Destroy all ships defending the island to open the Polemouth to attack. You will need to resupply after this for the second half of this mission.

[ Mission 3b ] The Polemouth is now undefended except for its own local AA installations. Disable the tower by destroying the targets as shown. You must do so before the Polemouth is running again.

[ Mission 4 ] Destroy all hostile targets at the separatist supply station. Controlling this location will prevent possible enemy reinforcements from further up the coast. The Mobile Landing Pad in the fleet contains some important weapons cargo that our forces can capture, so do not destroy it.

[ Mission 5 ] Captured intelligence from the previous mission shows the location of hidden missile launch facilities in the headland. Destroy all the cruise missile launch sites. You are not to fly above 4,000 ft as you be targeted by long range SAMs above that altitude.

[ Mission 6 ] We have reached the subject of this combat event. Clear out enemy defenses along the path of our landing forces. You are not to fly above 5,000 ft as you be targeted by long range SAMs above that altitude. While it is unfortunate that the technological subject will be damaged, we cannot take the risk of any arrival of enemy reinforcements. Your team and company will receive the agreed monetary and social credit rewards after the successful completion of this mission.


NathanMikeska - source and reference of main mission scripts
mikoyanster - "miko1BaseMapDistance.cs"
All other scripts are original, see below

Assets: - downloading of source terrain
Jundroo - in-game meshes
Amplify Creations - a building mesh
Yughues Free Concrete Materials - a material
Custom objects are original content and use Unity's default shapes... lol


If indenting/line spacing appears broken in the preview, go to "view raw" and it will show correctly

[Modified from NathanMikeska's Combat Challenges] Base object class. Each level file configures this program's settings.

Set a warning altitude, limit altitude, and time limit. Kills the aircraft if it flies too high for too long. Used in Missions 5 and 6 only.

Define a spherical fly zone using a center transform (Vector3), warning distance, limit distance, and time limit. Kills the aircraft if it flies outside it for too long.

[Modified from NathanMikeska's Combat Challenges] Changed the script to work with a score, and outputs a message every time a target is destroyed. Also has the added ability to monitor AI aircraft destruction.

[Referenced from NathanMikeska's Combat Challenges] Sets a flag when all the targets are destroyed.

[Referenced from NathanMikeska's Combat Challenges] Sets a flag when any of the targets are destroyed.

Level Scripts
Settings for each mission.


190912 1.0
- Initial release

191001 1.1 Free Flight Update
- [Addition] Added sandbox map versions of each level, for people who like to fly under maps and see the "custom targets" in all their glory
- [Fix] Fixed laggy hidden objects in Mission 0c
- [Fix] Fixed incorrect start message in Mission 0c
- [Fix] Removed extra missile launchers spawned in Mission 6

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    12.4k Mahoots

    @hpgbproductions fair enough

    9 months ago
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    @Mahoots maybe since bullets are so fast, they sometimes go through the ground

    9 months ago
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    12.4k Mahoots

    @hpgbproductions that's exactly why i used it but it also killed the "underground" launchers and i dont know how that happened ngl

    9 months ago
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    @Mahoots auto aim guns are op, laser turrets can't shoot bullets ))))))

    9 months ago
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    12.4k Mahoots

    Not sure if it was supposed to happen, but in mission 5 I was able to kill everything with an autoaimed wing gun ._.

    9 months ago
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    @ToeTips i don't know what is synced in mp. If all ships and enemy missiles can be synced, it should be possible to play any ground attack mission in mp

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    27.4k ToeTips

    Does it work with multiplayer?
    Would be fun to do this with a squad of 5 with the planes each person built in order to navigate this.

    1.1 years ago
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    @ToeTips depends
    I should make another campaign sometime

    1.1 years ago
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    27.4k ToeTips

    Could you make scenarios from movies?
    Like that arctic canyon run from Topgun Maverick?

    1.1 years ago
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    Quite a few of these missions are easily solved with the macarthurian approach: liberally apply nuclear weapons to the affected area.

    That said, it is pretty fun to engineer your way around the CIWS systems.

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    1,854 IndesterSion

    Wow, this really put my gunship to the test
    A massive slow plane with heavy armaments in a tight canyon was challenging
    But it got through in the end

    fantastic mod

    2.0 years ago
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    2,025 Tommy16

    Make it for Android

    +3 2.4 years ago
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    @MyNameIsAXY it's all in english unless someone has been reposting the mod somewhere else

    2.9 years ago
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    1,554 MyNameIsAXY

    Can you use English? I haven't learnt Japanese!!!

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    1,580 Pajamas720

    This definitely put both my flight and building skills to the test. Sweet mission pack.

    4.6 years ago
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    @TheMachinist they have scripts, can't make them compatible anyway

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    @Jackii named targets lol
    (Hey devs, let us make custom target objects)

    4.9 years ago
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    30 Jackii

    I guess we should put up a challenge of landing on the laser dome in Mission 3b.

    It's basically a re-scaled USS Beast. (⊙﹏⊙)

    4.9 years ago
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    @AstleyIndustries WoW!! Thank you very much for this help! I will read it calmly and try it. I am very grateful to you!

    5.2 years ago
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    I added the "AssaultLevelBase.cs" program (that's modified to add my extra scripts) to the Scripts list, you can go and take a look, but it's full of lazy workarounds. I also added the level scripts to the page. Mission making steps:

    1. Make map as normal. You can place the enemies/friendlies in it first so it's easier to position them.
    2. Make another object at the top of the hierarchy separate from the Simple Planes Map object. Place ALL four of these under it: enemy monitor, both ally monitors, combat area. If you miss any one, the mission won't load.
    3. Move (NOT copy) enemies/friendlies to this object. Add them to the monitor scripts. If any script has no objects, it counts as all destroyed and will instantly pass/fail the mission. So, you must add a dummy friendly if there are none, you can spot them in some of my missions if you pause and select air-to-gnd.
    4. Make mission script under class AssaultLevelBase. You put the mission settings there. (Look at the mission scripts, maybe use them as templates)

    Important implementation issues:
    - AssaultLevelBase forces you to use the friendly monitors, if you don't use friendly units them at all, look for the GetComponent part. Delete the two lines that load them.
    - I put AltRestriction on the MAP objects, meaning that even if you loaded that map in sandbox, you can't fly high. Also, there would be no enemies/friendlies in them. The free flight versions are separate maps using the same terrain
    - You can probably find a way to put everything under the map object, but it will cause the "x/x destroyed" message to appear in sandbox.
    - I can't find a way to set the spawn point other than the default.
    - If you want multiple missions with different spawn points that take place on the same land, or have a sandbox version, you can use separate map objects with the same assets. The mod size penalty isn't noticeable compared to big assets like terrain.
    Not so important issues:
    - The score returned by triggering the "destroyed all friendlies" and "destroyed any friendlies" scripts are -100 and -1000 respectively. Feel free to change them.

    5.2 years ago
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    It works perfectly! it´s a great Job! Congrats!! However, I have some doubts. I would like to do a missions campaign like yours. I understand that you have to use the "Level Script". But I don't know how it is used. If you can help me a little, I will be very grateful!

    5.2 years ago
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    @AstleyIndustries I'm really sorry for the blunt comment on such a great mod worked on for about hours.

    5.3 years ago
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    @Tessemi using a realistic plane? I found that out afterwards
    Realistic planes can't survive any of the actual missions, so the low time limit might be for the better

    5.3 years ago
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    @JoshEraDix2345 i mean, it's the same as a normal DD, so yeah

    5.3 years ago
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    @AstleyIndustries is it just me, or the CIWS DDGs look crude IMO (sorry)?

    5.3 years ago
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