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Challenge Series 1

113k hpgbproductions  4.5 years ago
Version 1.0.1 Map Plugin

2008261918+8> 1.0.1 Bug fix
[Cat and Mouse] [Fix] Fixed mission states locking up, causing enemies to never enter a vulnerable state.
[Cat and Mouse] [Improvement] Adjusted mission fail zone to be more realistic.
Programmer's Notes: Just your everyday case of missing a line and not properly resetting some values. This bug is interesting because the mission used to work correctly at some point. Maybe I changed something after testing and forgot to test it again.

Nacchan's Challenge Series is made up of programming experiments to push what can be done with the SimplePlanes API. The signature feature of this mod is pseudo-aircraft enemy scripting, where a regular GameObject moves like an aircraft, and contains a ground target that can be destroyed. This allows for more complex enemy behavior.

Levels are designed for planes with similar performance to the stock jets like Wasp, Hellkeska, and Pigpen. It is balanced for stock weapon attributes (except for the 'function' attribute, meaning you can use ground Guardians and Interceptors). Four diverse missions will test your flying skills.

The in-game timer has been substituted for a points-based system.

Please do not read the source code before completing the missions! Find the weaknesses and scripted events yourself, and imagine how it might have been done. (Source code button is a link to the GitHub)


The maximum available points across all missions is 100,000.

Bomber Intercept
Bandit's forces are seeking revenge for that time they were bombed. They are sending a bomber and multiple escorts on a low-altitude attack. Defend Wright Airport.
Scoring: The mission starts with 20,000 points. 30 points are deducted every second.
Programmer's Notes: The second mission I made. There are still some scripted events but the enemies act fairly natural, with turn rates changing according to their speed and location. With low altitude battles the enemy fighters like to use their Belkan submarine technology (tm), so I had to prevent this. It looks weird but it works. Completed with stock Wasp and stock weapons.
Known Issues: The enemy fighters will sometimes not engage your aircraft when they first approach you. It's a rare issue.

Cat and Mouse
Defend Wright Airport from a squadron of fighter-bombers.
Scoring: The mission starts with 20,000 points. 30 points are deducted every second.
Programmer's Notes: The third mission I made. I programmed in some special enemy behavior but not much else is new. When designing this mission, I also gave the fighter script a lot of fields for most things that anyone might want to change. Completed with stock Wasp and stock weapons. Sadly the Radar mod doesn't seem to work with these levels.

Engage in a duel against one of the most advanced drones ever built, the AQF-21 EX. Read its moves and understand its combat patterns.
Scoring: The mission starts with 30,000 points. 60 points are deducted every second. 5,000 points are awarded for each support drone shot down.
Programmer's Notes: The first mission I made. I designed the first version of the fighter program, which chases the player's plane pretty well. It also features heavy use of standard Unity functions and scripted events that makes it feel like a boss battle from a normal game. Completed with stock Wasp airframe and modded quick-firing missiles, but I also almost beat it with normal missiles and unmodded extra fuel.
Known Issues: Sometimes the enemy won't approach you. You should restart the mission of the enemy does not appear within about 30 seconds.

Strategic Strike
Destroy Avalanche Airport and the Ice Base to strip Snowstone of its offensive capabilities. You'll need heavy explosives and good aim.
Scoring: The mission starts with 10,000 points. 30 points are deducted every second. 2,500 points are awarded for each destroyer sunk.
Programmer's Notes: The last mission I made. It's a simpler ground strike mission that I didn't do any balancing or level-state scripting for, but I still beat it with stock Wasp airframe and weapons. Not with any bonus points though.


Score display font is JF Dot M+ Q10. Used under the terms of the M+ FONT LICENSE. Obtained from The file in the mod only keeps ASCII characters, all others were removed.

Aircraft models in "Piloted" by me. Boss plane from some time ago, support planes were never released. Maybe I'll eventually get to finishing it.

Aircraft models in "Bomber Intercept" and "Cat and Mouse" are stock Jundroo planes. The Hellkeska is modified slightly.

Laser texture by me. It's a common way to make lasers, though.

Scripting Support

Basic info on how you can program missions with the fighter scripts and level states:
- Like all previous combat missions, all GameObjects are under a parent object loaded by the level script, or under its own map.
- Each level has its own Level Controller, which organizes level information.
- The fighter script is supposed to be a "use out of the box" program, but you can replace some of the values inside with more Unity Editor fields, change some programs, or add more scenarios (EnemyStates).
- In this mod I prefer not to let the fighter script change its AI state. Instead, I only use the Level Controller to change states.
- Contact me if you want to know more about each script.
- Fighter Script Desmos graph

Plans for a separate campaign soon (tm), stay tuned

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  • Profile image
    1,693 HungrySu34

    Is the sorce code 4 android or what?

    2 months ago
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    AQF-21 EX is terrifying boss, I had to pull my stick to 100% at all times

    +1 4 months ago
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    1,854 IndesterSion

    "This is designed for realistic/semi realistic aircraft"

    Me: Imma pretend that I didn't see that

    2.5 years ago
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    I wish i have a PC to play this, seems really fun

    3.4 years ago
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    214 qwsd123

    i remember playing this with a mod which adds more destroyers,one of the destroyer destroyed AQF-21 EX
    Nvm iit was my missile which missed lol

    4.3 years ago
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    214 qwsd123

    @hpgbproductions oh ok thanks

    4.3 years ago
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    @qwsd123 use air to ground missiles only
    If you have air to air missiles, set function="AirToSurface"

    4.3 years ago
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    214 qwsd123

    i cant target anything,i wonder why

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    1,580 Pajamas720

    @hpgbproductions i mustve been sleepy that day lol. thanks

    4.5 years ago
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    @Pajamas720 set function to AirToSurface

    4.5 years ago
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    1,580 Pajamas720

    Damn, these missions look really good, but for some reason i cant make air to ground guardians or interceptors; when i edit it in overload it keeps reverting back to air to air. doesnt do this with any other missile, so i guess im doing everything with infernos for now.

    4.5 years ago
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    314 deqnq

    this is actually quite good for making a perfect multirole jet

    but the real question is can it run doom?

    4.5 years ago
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    thank you sir, the mod tools don't have a lot of documentation but the source code here helps a lot.

    4.5 years ago
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    @WolfSpark i think deleting the carrier after it's destroyed would delete the fire too, so it's either fire or no carrier (idk which is better)

    4.5 years ago
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    @MisterT click on the source code button to go the github

    4.5 years ago
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    10.2k Sparky6004

    Did I notice an Enlarged Carrier? YAS

    4.5 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    More missions like this, please!

    4.5 years ago
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    2,115 Ouroboros

    Rip mobile users lmao, still gonna updoot this anyways, might try it later on the potato pc I have lol

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    106k MisterT

    This is the best dogfight mod ever ! Do you think you can share your scripts ? I'd like to do a similar mod for WW2 planes.

    4.5 years ago
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    106k MisterT

    Awsome !

    4.5 years ago
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    2,037 NikoFox


    4.5 years ago
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    68.8k Homemade1

    FINALY A ACE COMBAT MISSION!!!, i gonna grab my plane

    +2 4.5 years ago