This mod is just a model I imported into simpleplanes for my Vickers Vanguard, which should be coming soon (It won't require this mod, but it would be nice having it).
It is quite useful if you want to make your airliner interior look good without it being 6091278937 parts.
(The mod should appear as 'interior goodies', and the seats comes by a row of 2 and 3, as well as single)
The original model, licensed as "Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)" from sktechfab is linked here
@Haamood2009 mods aint available for mobile anymore lmao
plz make the Mobile version
Can you make first class seats that recline.
here @Kennneth
when did I say that? @iamr4mi
@Brayden1981 Kenneth cancelled it unfortunately
@Brayden1981 yeah, isn’t it
We don’t need airliner seats now. We already have seats
:( rip android
I'm on android
This is brilliant, it would be perfect if the center of the block was actually centered, mirroring is impossible like this
i have made a shrine (forum) to kenneth
haha stock seats go BBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I wish I can download this mod but it’s not for IOS :(
@Bryan5 "-666.7 Social credits on the website"
Okay, upon closer inspection I have noticed that the set of 2 and 3 seats have the text on the back reversed and are therefore unusable
@SheriffHackdogMCPE that was just an example.
@Bryan5 -69420 sp credits
I think the forbidden phrase is : "Android Please"
This should be a game feature
@EasternPatrick whats the forbidden phrase?
My back hurts by just looking at these seats.