33.5k SemedianIndustries
Player Biography
Platinum reached: 19/06/2021
Status: Active - On the road
Hi, I'm Steve, that's not my real name but whatever.
I crave flying like nobody else, so when I found this game, a dream had came true.
Most of my creations are original and fictional, but feel free to make requests. I sometimes have bursts of inspiration and a marvel comes out to the community.
I build mostly airliners and cargo planes, my fighter jets aren't that good (yet).
As always, trying to improve my building skills.
Current themes:
Current projects/ideas
Other things about me
I'm an international trucker.
I'm a follower of Wurtzism.
I love Future Funk and Disco.
I was a handball goalkeeper.
I speak Portuguese and Spanish as well.
Highlighted Screenshots